QOTW-Stitching Illegal??
Illegal stitches
What would you do if stitching was banished by law? (...inspired by the movie Equilibrium)
Gosh, I don't even want to think about this one. I have been mulling about this morning trying to answer this question. Very thought provoking if you ask me. I pride myself on being honest and truthful BUT if this were to happen, I would have to stash the stash somewhere safe and stitch behind locked doors. Stitching is a part of me and I can't see me not ever doing it again. I have enough stash to last a couple lifetimes so I would not run out of things to stitch but I would miss being able to purchase anything new. Of course, the Black Market would enter into this and since stitchers are worldwide with the same passion as me, I don't think I would lack for that quick stash fix and I would always be willing to help out a fellow stitcher.
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