It Doesn't Take Much
to make me happy!!!!!!

Last night the plumber came and installed our new dishwasher. It is not the greatest model out there but it will do for now. Hopefully in the next year we will be remodeling the kitchen by building an addition and that is when I want the bells and whistles type dishwasher. Anyway, he came and installed it and I was so happy. It felt great to load up the dishwasher last night and not have to spend an hour or so doing dishes, cleaning up the kitchen, etc. A plus came when DH and I remembered the faucet we bought way back in June when we moved. You see, I was having a really hard time adjusting to this so-so kitchen when I left a completely remodeled 21st Century kitchen in Philly. So I think to make me happy he bought a new faucet but we promptly forgot all about it. So the plumber told us he would install the faucet while he was there. I LOVE my new faucet. It doesn't take much to make me happy. When I went to bed last night, my kitchen had a sparkle. Not because it was clean, but because it was ME!!! It was my choice of dishwasher and my choice of faucet sitting there. I went to bed with a smile on my face.
This morning I get up bright and early to make the kids lunches only to remember that they have half a day today. DH and I actually got to sit during coffee (usually I am milling about getting schoolbags and lunches and whatnot ready) and DH informed me that this weekend he is going to start ripping apart the powder room this weekend. He told me on Saturday we will go and pick out the toilet, sink, mirror and tile. YAHOOOOO!! You would have thought he told me I won the lottery. I guess I did when I married him. The powder room we have now is a nice size room which I love but there is this hideous metallic floral wallpaper in there from ceiling to floor. YUCK!! I think I must take pictures to show you because it really is hideous. So this weekend I get to pick out sink, toilet, cabinet, mirror (maybe) and tile. The tile will run through the powder room, into the laundry room and in the back of our family room. He will be doing the family room next but first we need to order windows for that room and they will take about 6 weeks to come in so he figured do the powder room now and by the time the windows get here, the powder room and tile work will be finished. I can't wait. It is great being married to a carpenter because he is actually going to gut the room and redo it. So there will be another room that is ME!! (actually US but you know what I mean)
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my new house which has now become HOME but no matter how many personal touches I have put it here, it just isn't totally ME!! So now, the construction starts and I can't wait. I will not whine about the dirt and dust and grime that will be going through here in the next few weeks. I will gladly clean it up knowing what the end result will be. I am so excited. I even have a cross stitch picture to go in there. It was in my old powder room and it just didn't go with the metallic walls here. I refused to put it in there (snobbish I know). So now I can pick out something new to do in honor of my new powder room. The only problem is I need to find it. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
It is great knowing that in a few short days, I will start seeing the personality of my home come out. I already see the sparkle in the kids' rooms as they picked out paint and stuff for their walls which we did when we first moved. The kitchen has a little sparkle. Redoing the powder room will be something that is part me, part DH and part the kids. It will be our choices, our style and a combination of all our personalities. That to me is what makes a house a home. All of us....a FAMILY!!!
Now I must get some housework finished before noon. I promised the kids we would bake Halloween cookies this afternoon. They are so excited and I am too. It is great to do fun stuff with those two.
Have a great day everyone!!!!
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