Proud Mommy Moment
I can't wait til tomorrow to share what happened today.
This afternoon while getting ready to bake cookies, DS was outside and talking to our elderly neighbor next door. Our neighbor was doing some yardwork and I saw them talking back and forth. I went about my business mixing cookie dough, turning on the oven, etc. and didn't give it another thought. I went to the sink to rinse my hands and saw DS with a rake in his hands and listening to T. Then I saw T putting down soil and DS raking it around. It made my heart a couple sizes bigger to see DS helping our neighbor. When he came in a short while later, he told me that he wasn't doing anything outside other than skateboarding and asked T if he needed help.
DS really listens to me when I talk. I am raising one great kid. Now to figure out how to get him to help us around the house. LOL
When we were finished decorating the cookies, N asked if he could take some cookies to T and P. I thought that was so great how he thought again of our neighbors. So after the icing set, I sent him off with a plate of cookies. It does my heart good to see DS going out of his way to help another. He does listen to me and DH. I can't believe it.
Well now I am off to go stitch a bit. I didn't stitch last night and I really want to get this pillow done so I can go back to one of my biggie projects.
Nite all.

A great story Mia!!
Hi from abroad,
such things give you courage to go on, don't they? It shows you and DS are on the right track. Reading your blog makes me wonder about two words I don't understand. My English is just not good enough :). What means faucet and what means powder room?
And you may whine a little with all the mess later...
Anneke (
Anneke, thank you for reading. A faucet is the tap or how you get water out of the sink or into the tub. A powder room is a small bathroom elsewhere in the house. We have a main bathroom with tub, sink, toilet and the powder room is downstairs near our t.v. room with a toilet and sink in there. Hope this clears it up for you. :)
Yep, it's always fun when you don't HAVE to do it. Sounds like you're doing a great job raising DS :)
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