Tuesday Tidbits
Today is shaping up to be a busy day. I thought of something to write about but figured I would just write whatever comes to mind. It seems to be the norm for me on Tuesdays. I guess that is when I finally come down from a weekend or something.

First off because I forgot all about this after my CATS report, DD DID lose her tooth on Friday as I was loading up the car with my stitching and my bag. She lost it eating of all things a Three Muskateers bar. Sheesh, if it was that simple, I would have done it days before instead of giving her apples all week. She was a happy camper, I was a happy camper and most of all DH was a happy camper that it came out and I was able to take care of it before I left. We are all very relieved and the tooth fairy has a little time off before another one comes out.

Speaking of DD, yesterday her teacher stopped me outside and told me that she loves DD's progress in school. She also eased my mind by telling me that M really adjusted quickly and is just a model student. Gosh my heart was bursting. I couldn't wait to tell DH whose heart must have grown 5 sizes larger after that. DD is a true Daddy's Girl just like her Mom was to her Dad.

DS is doing better I am happy to report. He actually finished a project and a paper over the weekend. The project is due today and he brought it in yesterday and the paper is due Thursday. I am proud that he decided to not procrastinate and wait til the night before to do something. He seems much happier and for that I am grateful. It makes it so much better at home these days. Maybe he really did listen when DH and I spoke to him after that teacher's conference a couple weeks ago.

Last night after finishing my car project I started thinking about what to do next. I have a Lorri Birmingham little basket with butterflies on it for DD's room and I also have new stuff from CATS and of course a few other things I put aside for car projects like ornies and such. I haven't made up my mind but I may do the JBW designs kit that I bought over the weekend. It is Christmas themed after all and I should be able to finish it in the next month or so and have it ready to display during the holiday season. I will think more about it and decide later today. I will keep you posted.
I would have almost finished the Pine Mountain Pillow Recipe "Christmas Delights" last night but we had company and I only did a little stitching after they left. It is going quick and I have almost all the verse done. I should be able to have it finished before the week is out and hopefully will have it scanned, pressed and stuffed over the weekend. I sure hope so.
Today I need to food shop and then later do ironing. I need something quick for dinner as we are getting a new dishwasher installed. The people that lived here before had a dishwasher that was older than me. Yes it worked but not very well. It broke in August. I am spoiled and like my dishwasher so DH surprised me last week by buying me a new one and calling the plumber to come install it. I can't wait. You would think I always had a dishwasher by my reactions when in reality I only had one for 6 years. So for 11 years of my marriage, I hand-washed everything. LOL But it will be nice to have dishes done sooner so I can spend more time with DH and the kids in the evening. That is what I miss the most by having to hand-wash everything.
Anyway, I better run for now. The grocery shopping isn't going to do itself although I wish it would.
Have a great day everyone!!!!

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