At Least It's Friday
I will be so happy an hour from now. At that point, I don't have to worry about school for the next couple days (I hope).
Yesterday, DS came out of school with a little smile on his face. He said his day was okay but much better than the day before. That made me happy. Then came the homework. Did I mention the teacher said projects were not done at home? Well last night he did TWO, count'em TWO!! The first was a short story. The second was a trip to Peru, South Africa, France, Canada and Australia for Social Studies which me and the Internet helped him with. Tough cookies if it is wrong. I like what we did. Between that and the homework, this child was up til 10:30 PM. That means from 8:30 yesterday morning til 10:30 last night he did nothing but work. Of course, he had about an hour to eat his dinner and sit til I cleared the dishes. To say I am still angry is an understatement. I do not have a conference time yet, but DS did say he saw the teacher reading his note. GOOD!!! I hope she liked my comment that me and DH saw a big improvement in him. DS is trying very hard and for that I am so proud. DH and I feel he is overwhelmed and therefore is losing focus. We decided (DS doesn't know) that we will help him more with homework than we have in the past. I always help with homework but mostly DS does it and gets done with it. It is all this extra crap being thrown at him. We decided to help more with the extra crap. I am at a point that I really don't care if the teacher realizes that the work is from a 41 year old instead of an 11 year old.
Anyway, it is Friday and I am feeling much better and DS is hopefully still feeling better and we are all looking forward to the weekend. Tonight DFIL comes for dinner as does my stitchy sis in law and her family. We are going to stitch after we do dishes. Tonight is chicken cutlet so as soon as I get home from school I will bread and fry them so I don't have a big cleanup after dinner.
I did manage a little stitching last night while DS was on the computer writing his short story. I am happy to say that I am 1 and 1/2 stockings away from finishing the Christmas Delights. If I finish tonight, I will make sure to post a pic tomorrow. I also plan on starting my new car project in about 20 minutes when I go find a parking spot at school. I am going to try to keep it surprise for DS. He doesn't see what I do in the car anyway because I do it while waiting for him. LOL
Tomorrow DH has to work for his company and that means me and the kids are vegging out at home. I managed to finish up my housework today and all that is left is laundry. I feel like I just emptied the hampers and they are full again. But that is okay. The machines to most of the work. So tomorrow we will just do whatever we feel like and spend the day together at home. I like down days like that. We don't get too many of them so we enjoy them when we have them.
Well I better run for now. Thank you Jo and Lee for your kind thoughts. They really mean a lot to me.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Mia, you are such a great Mom and I'm in awe of the devotion you have for your family. You are doing a terrific job in raising your kids and no matter what DS's teacher says he is a credit to you and your DH. Enjoy a restful weekend - I certainly need one too! Hugs, Jo
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