Tired Tuesday...Yawn..
I don't have much to say today other than I am very tired. DD is fighting a cold and she is now at the point where the cough keeps her awake at night. Last night was the first of probably a few nights of sleeplessness for her and me. She woke me up around 2:30 this morning and I gave her some water thinking it will sooth her and she would get back to sleep. No such luck. It just made things worse. So 10 minutes later, I was in the kitchen getting her some cough medicine and juice. I sat with her for a few minutes and she put on her t.v. and I thought that was it. Again, no such luck. Now she was coughing so hard I thought she would get sick. So up again I went into her room and stayed with her til almost 4 AM. In this time we were both wide awake. We decided there was nothing on the t.v. for her to watch and we played a video game for a little bit. Thanks to DS, I have learned to play video games. We rented this cute game for her called "Pikmin 2". To me it is mindless and I have no idea what the goal of this game is but it did the trick. She focused on the game and the coughing stopped. So I went back to bed to at least get two more hours of sleep til my alarm went off at 6:30. I got up as soon as the alarm went off because if I didn't there was no way we would be out the door this morning.
I thought she might not be going to school today but my DD is a real trooper. She is an inspiration to me as I could go back to bed right now. She got up, got dressed, did her face and teeth and I did her hair. So by 8:15 we were ready to go out the door. Of course, I feel like I could go back to bed, but I won't as I have a little girl doing her best in school right now. But I am tired. I am already counting the hours til I can go to bed. I hate days like this cause I feel like everything is going in slow motion and everything is an effort. Sigh.....
I figure on some straightening, laundry and getting dinner ready early. My dear FIL is coming over for dinner tonight and I figure I will get everything prepared early. I still haven't stitched and maybe tonight if my eyes are still opened, I will do some more on the Coffee design. If not, I will spend the evening with the kids playing video games. Sometimes they can get addictive. LOL
Have a good day everyone. Hopefully tomorrow I will have something more interesting to say.
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