Apple Picking
I just got in from going apple picking at a nearby farm.
I have never apple picked before unless you count picking them up at the produce stand in the supermarket.
Last night I went to a Pampered Chef demonstration at my new friend K's house and had a blast. As I was leaving she told me that her and her DD (who is my DD's playmate) were going apple picking today. She asked me to go. So this morning on a dreary day, we piled in her SUV and drove the 10 minutes to the farm. We decided to split a 1/2 bushel and took our box and off we went into the apple orchard. The kids (my DS, DD and K's DD) had a blast. We picked red delicious, golden delicious, staymen, mutsu, granny smith and a couple others that I don't remember. We lugged the box to the cashier and then to the car. I think I will consider that my workout for the day.
Then we went into the farm where they have food stands, a barn that sells pies and other delicious fruity things and purchased pies. I bought two apple cranberry and one apple. Don't apple cranberry is for me and the two remaining pies are for my sis in laws. After all, I couldn't go to the farm without buying them something too. After that we purchased lunch and then let the kids play in this huge playground which by the way is next to their hen house. LOL But it was all fun and I really enjoyed myself. Going out today really made me feel a lot like myself. I haven't felt like myself since Thursday and last night at the Pampered Chef party and again today is what I needed to bring me back on track. It is a good feeling knowing that the kids had a great time and I had a great time as well. Oh and we also went on a hay ride through the fields. This farm grows a ton of stuff. They have tomatoes, peppers, apricots, peaches, plums, apples (of course), raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and pumpkins. There is probably other stuff, I just remembered the things that I liked the best. I am hoping to go there again at the end of the month for another hayride. They do the night ones right before Halloween and we (K and I) think it will be cool if we all go and include the DHs too.
Tonight I plan on chilling out with my coffee design.
Right now I have almost the top three gridblocks done on Page 3 of the design. It is going along rather nicely and I just may have the entire 10 blocks of this rotation done before long. I can't wait to post a picture of it.
I hope you all have great weekends. Right now, I need to publish this entry and then go to K's to sort out the apples that we bought.
I think I better dig out some apple pie recipes. The weather is just right for a pie.
Ooh, apple picking! That reminds me well of when I was a kid...we did peach picking too. I love your new coffee design...have fun stitching it. I'm sorry the probate escapade had you down...I hope you are feeling better now!
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