My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Sunday Brunch

Today ended up being busy considering yesterday was so relaxing. But that was fine by me. First was Mass and then my sis in laws and I visited my husband's grandmother who is in the hospital. Then off we went to a Southern Living Home Demonstration. I didn't plan on getting anything but ended up with three things (the three wisemen for Christmas decor, a cookie cookbook and this ironwork centerpiece thing). Nice stuff. And it was at DH's cousin's wife house so it was nice getting together with all the female aunts and cousins. I just got in a little while ago and figured I will do the Sunday Brunch while it is still Sunday.

1) If you had a wedding, what flowers did you have at your wedding?
Let's see if I can remember that far back. LOL (it has only been 17 years)...I remember white roses, orchids, and freesia.
2) What is your favorite flower?
I love roses. They remind me of my mom. :)
3) Do you have flowers as part of your landscaping outside or your interior decor?
Absolutely. We just moved here but in the first week we were here, we planted white oleandar (sp?), marigolds, geraniums and a few bushes that we took from our old house (shhhh...don't tell anyone). Normally we plant everything from begonias to zinnias but with the move, it just wasn't possible.
4) If you went to your high school prom(s), what kind of flower did you wear in your corsage or boutonniere?
Gosh, I don't remember but I am sure they were carnations with maybe a red or pink rose in the center.
5) Do you like to receive flowers as a gift or do you think it is a waste of money?
Oh I love receiving flowers as a gift. It doesn't happen often, but DH always remembers Valentines Day for both me and DD and our anniversary. Other than that, I pick up fresh flowers here and there to liven up the place. Flowers are never a waste of money.

Well I am going to go veg out. I was out practically all day and just want to sit and maybe even pick up some stitching. I got lots done yesterday and can't wait to scan it to show all.

Have a good week everyone.


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