Monday Mumble and Weekly Goals
The weekend while busy was quiet. I already wrote about the apple picking so I don't need to revisit other than to say, it was great. Yesterday was quiet as DD woke up with the beginnings of a cold. Just what she needs as today is picture day at school. But she rested all day yesterday and told me she felt lots better today. I still gave her medicine and will continue to do so for at least today and tomorrow so it won't get any worse. I thought I would have stitched this weekend but I haven't picked up a needle since Friday. Hopefully today I will get a chance to get back into the swing of things.
I also want to thank everyone who left me kind and supportive comments after my week last week. I want you to know that what you wrote means a lot to me and makes me feel less alone. I have a very supportive DH but sometimes I hate re-hashing everything. He knows how I feel and always helps me in any way he can. But I do know that sometimes I sound like a broken record to him. LOL
Today I have the usual household tasks and I will get to them after I publish this entry. I have priorities after all. Then after I do some household stuff, I will catch up on my blog reading. It has been a few days and I want to see what everyone is up to.

Here were my goals last week.....
1. Finish up the stray stitches in top row on dragon. DONE!!
2. Coffee design....finish organizing floss, prepare fabric and get started. DONE and I am really enjoying it.
3. Buy Halloween decorations and get them up. Decorations are bought but not hung as we had bad rain on Thursday and Friday. Hopefully this week!!!!
4. Be more positive. I will feel a whole lot better inside and out by doing this. Yes and No. I need to do better.
5. Enjoy the week and live it to its fullest. I think I did other than my setback on Thursday.
6. Don't sweat the small stuff. I didn't sweat the small stuff but I did sweat the big stuff.
Now here is what I want to do this week....
1. Stitch more on Coffee. 3 of the 10 blocks for this rotation are done. I would like to finish up this turn on rotation this week.
2. Hang said Halloween decorations.
3. Find a use for all the apples we picked the other day.
4. Have all household chores done before Thursday. The kids are off on Friday and we have a long weekend ahead.
5. Try harder not to sweat the small stuff and enjoy my days.
I hope everyone has a good Monday and good week ahead.

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