This, That....Whatever...
Where the heck did the week go? What happened to all my big plans? It is Thursday and I feel like I have accomplised nothing, nada, zip, zero. I have done little things but all of the stuff I wanted to do this week is still lingering. School has overwhelmed me. Last night, DS brought home what is called the "Family Envelope". I swear this thing was over one inch thick with all kinds of papers for me to read, keep, throw out and sign. I feel bad for the tree that was used to produce that pile of paper. After two hours of sorting, I finally had three to keep, one to fill out and send back and one to toss. They were pretty equal so I don't feel so bad about what I threw out. Then there was the homework and the covering of even more books. Gosh, it was around 7 PM by the time I got everything sorted. We ate somewhere between 5 and 6 so that time doesn't count. I thought I finally had it together and could settle in and stitch but no. I forgot I had to iron blouses for my DD. So out came the iron and ironing board. Did I ever mention that I hate to iron? Sigh.... By the time I finished up, I just wanted to vegetate. I didn't even pull out the stitching. All in all things are going well but it feels good to get it out. :)))
On a good note, today I managed to do all I had planned. I did some laundry and plan on some more. I did the food shopping and now I actually have an hour before I leave to get the kids for me. My kind of day.
On an even better note, I have motivation to finish up the next four blocks on my dragon. AC Moore is having floss on sale 8 for $1.00 starting today and that means I can get the final colors for my coffee design and I will actually be able to start that next. I am so HAPPY about that.

So tonight after the homework, dinner and Back to School night for DD, I plan on coming home and watching Survivor (I will probably miss the very beginning

Hopefully I will get back on track soon once I get my school year routine figured out. It is getting there. I also hope to be able to do some memes and whatnot so my blog doesn't become a big yawn.

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