My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Question of the Week

Do you stitch small projects one at a time that you can finish quickly, have numerous large projects going at once that you rotate,or both? How does your current system work for you and have you thought about changing it?

Great question this week and something I have been thinking about lately.

I think I have a nice mix. I do rotate my large projects or projects that are time consuming with specialty stitches and whatnot (like Chatelaines). I tend to get bored or life gets in the way and I want a change. I do throw in a small project that I will work on between large projects and then after about a week or two, they become car projects during school time.

I came up with a rotation back in August that I started last week which was a weekly one. I never took into consideration that there are weeks that I barely stitch and last week was one of them with Labor Day bbqs and the kids starting back to school. I think I stitched maybe two nights the entire week. So I took a look at my large projects that I have going and can break them down into goal-based sections. So I think I am going to try that for awhile. For example, the dragon I am doing, I started doing the stitching within the 10 X 10 grids on the chart. I feel like I accomplish something when I see that whole block finished. I can do that with a couple other projects too. I figure I will do 5-7 blocks before I switch. As for the Chatelaine designs, my current ones in my rotation are previous mysteries and I can do them by part. The small ones, I can throw in and stitch them up in their entirety within a week or I can make them car projects. I figure this way I won't have guilt like I did when I realized it was already Saturday and I had to change to another project. I didn't want to. So in answer to the last part of the question, yes, I had a system, no it didn't work and yes I am changing it.


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