The Sunday Brunch-School Supplies
School Supplies!
1) Do you prefer wide rule or college rule notebook paper?
College Rule because I write small and I am quite wordy and can fit more on a page.

2) What is your favorite writing instrument?
I am quite boring but at the moment I enjoy writing with Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip pens in medium black ink. The black ink goes back to high school when that is all we were allowed to write with. It is hard getting used to my DS writing in blue ink this year.
3) What is the one office or school supply that you can’t live without?
This is a toughie. I have two. Highlighters (those new kind that you can click instead of taking the cap off) and Post-Notes.
4) Staples or paper clips?
5) Describe the contents of the top of your desk.
Good thing I cleaned the mess on Friday. Right now, there is the computer monitor, printer and scanner, a pen, paper, photos my son took and my coffee cup.
Good luck, Erica. I will be looking forward to answering your memes.
Thank YOU for playing! I'll hopefully have a blinkie for it soon!
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