My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday Mumbles

I wasn't on too much during the weekend as I was either (1) busy, (2) stitching or (3) DS was playing a new puter game.

It's another Monday morning around here and it seems like nothing wants to work, move, etc. I tried reading blogs but it is hard because something is up with blogrolling. Like what else is new!! I so have to look into something else. I more or less clicked on blogs to see if they were updated and some have been updated regularly so I spent a good portion of my morning reading through blog entries from days ago for some of you. Sorry if I didn't comment, it is just I had lots of reading.

I have been up since 5 AM because I am watching my friends' baby. My friend K is having surgery this morning and I am watching her 2 year old. I love the baby, she is so sweet but not today. I guess she is just as crabby as me having to get up at dark o'clock in the morning. It looks like she wants to close her eyes but they are wide open. Thank goodness for Playhouse Disney. I am so hoping she will doze off soon.

It was cold here all weekend. I nearly froze my butt off at the wedding we attended Saturday. Of course when I bought the dress, it wasn't supposed to be cold. But we had a great time and most of the women were underdressed like me for the weather we experienced this past weekend.

The rest of the weekend was spent with DH and the kids and I did lots of stitching. I finished Veneto in Tesori and will take a picture later. I can't do it right now with the baby at my side. I don't want her to touch the camera or worse the computer while the pictures are loading. She doesn't realize the CPU is in a cabinet and I want to keep it that way. :) Next up is Puglia which is my husband's region of Italy. So I think I will probably finish that one before I move onto another project for a break.

I am still blending filamenting the gingerbread boy. is slow going but the effect is so beautiful. I hope it shows up when I finally take a picture of it. If the baby goes home before I get my kids, I should have 1/2 hour to stitch on the gingerbread boy. If not, it will have to wait til tomorrow.

For the rest of the day, I will play with the baby and try to get maybe a load of laundry done. I don't see it happening unless she falls asleep. Thank goodness I had the thought to straighten the house and such this weekend so it doesn't look like a bomb went off today. :)

Hopefully later I will be able to share my progress photos of Tesori.
Til then , have a great day!!


Blogger Judy said...

What a gem you are to babysit like that! Can you move next door to me?

2:01 PM  
Blogger Von said...

I hope you were able to enjoy some playtime with the baby today and still tend to a few chores. I'm sure her mother is so grateful to you for helping out!

12:02 AM  

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