Back from CATS
Well, I am back from CATS. It was such a great time that I wasn't ready to leave when we did. Our trip to Hershey took forever. What should have been an hour and a half ride took around 3 hours. There were accidents on the turnpike and we were stuck for an hour or so and at that point we were only about 15 minutes from home. But once we got to around Downingtown, it opened up and about an hour after that we were in our hotel room ready to have a very late dinner at Friendlys. On Friday night we never made it to the Lodge because dinner was over around 10:30 so we just went back to our hotel and chilled out after our very long ride to get to Hershey.
Saturday was the best. I have to admit that the shopping mart was much smaller than it was 2 years ago. That was really my only disappointment. I bought lots of goodies and here is the picture to prove it.

Here is the run down of what is in the picture:
Three Stoney Creek Magazines (April, August and October 2006 issues)
Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue
Image Stitchery Mini Mini Lap Frame
4 different sized plastic project bags (I just adore these bags and buy a couple every year)
Hob-Nobb Designs Doodles "I Love You"
Hob-Nobb Designs Doodles "Greta the Witch"
Picture It Plus hand-dyed fabric "Shadow" for when I get to Witchy Washy
Stoney Creek Button Embellishments "Yummy Christmas"
Pine Mountain "Recipe for Summer" Kit
Pine Mountain "Witches Brew" Kit
Pine Mountain "Recipe for a Scarecrow" Kit
Glory Bee "Dear Santa"
Glory Bee "Child Proof"
Lorri Birmingham "May Scissor Fob"
Brittercup Designs "Haunted Halloween"
Brittercup Designs "Cookies for Santa"
Las Vegas Stitching "Forever and Always"
Stoney Creek "Bookmarks for Everyday"
Ready made scissor fob (I don't remember the booth)
Little House Needleworks Coffeetime (this was the best as it was a gift from Cathy. Thanks again Cathy!!)
There were a few other things I would have liked to have bought but they were sold out and I didn't feel like ordering them. That wasn't the point of CATS. I wanted to come home with the stuff.
The best highlight of Saturday was getting to spend time with Cathy and Jo. I also got to meet a few other bloggers who I now consider friends. Us stitchers are a great bunch. I also enjoyed spending some time in the Stitchers Lounge with Jo and admiring all the works in progress being stitched. Saturday went by too quickly for my taste. I would have loved to have stayed longer but we wanted to be on the road while it was still light. As of now I am looking forward to next year and seeing everyone again.
Yesterday I started "Witches Brew" because it will be quick and it will be the first time I have stitched a Halloween design. Yeah for me!! I finally bought some Halloween charts. Cathy was starting to feel sorry for me that I didn't have any in my stash. :)
I bought enough to keep busy and now I have to rework my multi-project challenge. It shouldn't be too bad because I know what I want to add to the challenge and I know what can wait til I have openings from all the finishing I plan on doing. LOL Since I broke the budget, I will only be purchasing any threads or fabric needed for a design. I have to save my pennies for next year's CATS.
Have a great day everyone!!
I'm so glad you got some cute Halloween designs! I wish we could have stayed longer!
Mia, I hope you left some for other stitchers! Lol! That's quite a haul you have there. :D So glad you had a fun time. There's something so energizing about getting together with other like-minded people!
Mia, I hope you left some for other stitchers! Lol! That's quite a haul you have there. :D So glad you had a fun time. There's something so energizing about getting together with other like-minded people!
I am jealous! I hope to see you there next year--but meet you much sooner than that!
Great stash! I am anxious to see your stitching on your Halloween design. Glad you had a good (albeit short) time!
Wow, it sounds like you had an awesome time! And what a great stash! Mine is dwindling - I need to do something like that so I can get stocked up again!
Great stash from CATS!!!!!!
Great S*E*X!!! You are going to be stitching these until the next CATS show. Maybe I can go next year-crossing fingers.
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