My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Seeing Clearly Now

It has been very busy around here these days. I still can't get online as often as I am used to but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As of this writing, the walls are painted, window and slider trimmed with beautiful wood and some time this weekend, the gas fireplace will be installed. So probably in the next few weeks, the tile and carpet will be installed and then DH will rebuild the desk, bar and kids' area. I figure by the end of May, early June, everything will be finished and we will be settled once again in our family room.

I have been on the go all week. But let me get to the subject of my post. I wear glasses/contacts and I have been noticing that I am struggling to focus. I was overdue for an eye exam. Actually when we moved, I was due. That was 1 1/2 years ago. But my contacts were still comfortable as were my glasses. In the past month or so, I noticed I wasn't stitching as long and had trouble threading the needle. I just blamed it on the 28 size tapestry needles I was using. I figured I got one with a too small eye. Then I noticed that I was reading better without my glasses. Go figure that one out. The finally straw came the other day when I dropped my glasses and they were a little out of shape. LOL I called the Lenscrafters dr's office and they told me they had an opening that day. This was Tuesday. So off I went.

I went through all the exams and the dr. advised me that my eye health was good and the good news was my vision IMPROVED. What is up with that? I always heard when people turned 40 that the eyesight changed. I think that was my fear. I think I put off going to the eye dr. because I didn't want to hear the words that I was aging. I couldn't believe what he said. I asked him twice. LOL So I walked away with a trial set of contacts and a prescription for new glasses. That exam took 30 minutes of my time. For the next hour and a half I tried on about 30 pairs of frames to get the "perfect" look for me. Some time in that 1 1/2 hours, the guy who was helping me disappeared. I couldn't find him and nabbed another woman to help me. Of course, the guy came out after she picked out a pair of frames for me. In the end, I ended up with the ones she picked out. I am one happy camper. I am always skeptical of the so called "one hour" promise. But guess what? They were going to be ready in an hour. But unfortunately, I had to be at school to get the kiddos. I told them I would be back at 4 and went along my merry way.

When I went back, I decided to make an appointment for DS who had failed the eye exam at school. They asked me if I wanted to wait 15 minutes, they would do the exam right then. DS said it was fine and had his eyes examined. DS is now the proud owner of new glasses too. He has a "baby" prescription and the dr. said he can wear them whenever and for as long as he wanted. DS was a happy camper and has been very responsible with his glasses.

We need to go back in two weeks. I measured a little high with the pressure in my eye for the glaucoma test. But I passed the other glaucoma test. The dr. wants to recheck that. He also wants to do the same thing to DS. I was a little unnerved when I heard that I had to redo some testing but I figured if it was bad, the dr. would have done it sooner than the end of April. So keep your fingers crossed for me that I am just a person who measures a little higher than normal. The dr. said it wasn't bad but he wanted to make sure so he can keep an eye on it. So I am trying not to think about it as my vision has not been causing me any problems. Heck, I don't even get headaches all that often.

When I settled in for the night to stitch, what a difference the new glasses made. I was comfortable for almost 2 hours and enjoyed every stitch. I feel so much better now that I found a new dr. in my new neighborhood that I like. I think that has been part of my problem. I went to the same eye dr. for years and it is hard to change. I did not want to go back to my old neighborhood so I just picked one out at random and I lucked out.

As for stitching I have another finish to report. It is a Sue Hillis design called "Wine A Bit". I can't post a picture as something happened to the software to load my pictures. We also don't have the scanner hooked up as there is no room on the desk for it at the moment. DH said don't bother reloading as we will be getting the new computer once the final dust settles in the family room. If I wasn't so lazy, I would find a picture online to show you. But I don't have a lot of time today as I need to do some cleaning and kids get out of school early.

I also started another design by Hinzeit called "Happy Hour". It is the words Happy Hour with martini glasses underneath with cute little clear heart charms on each glass. I am making great progress with this one and should have it done very soon. Hopefully by then, I will have found pictures and will post them.

I am looking forward to the weekend and hopefully I will be able to post again before Easter. I may still not be posting much or commenting much on your blogs, but I do try to read them a few times a week.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Blogger Judy said...

YAY! I need to do the eye check thing - it has been over 5 years for me - I wear hard contacts! I'd really like to do Lasik - my mom just did it and LOVES the results. I would love to wake up in the morning and SEE!

1:06 PM  
Blogger Billie said...

Hi, Mia, it's good to hear your remodeling project is making great progress. At least to me it is, because we need major remodeling in the kitchen, but no funds to do it. Hopefully, next year. I need to see the eye Dr. soon. I think that may be one reason I don't cross-stitch very much, or sew for that matter. I don't wear contacts, but my eyes have changed within the last few years, and I've been putting off my eye exam, no excuse! Just wanted to check in with you. I have been busy and haven't posted in quite a while, or have been able to go online -- sometimes life gets busy and I forget about blogs. Take care.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Von said...

Wonderful to see your post today! Always nice to hear about what's going on with you, Mia. Remodeling gets to be all consuming when you're in the middle of it. Won't be long now till it's all finished. :D
My eyes are nearsighted and have gotten better in the last couple of years. However, in order to watch tv and stitch at the same time, I have bought a pair of reading glasses that I wear with my regular glasses - part time bifocals, lol!

12:54 AM  

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