My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

CAL Progress

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Here is my latest progress with my redo on the CAL Afghan. From top to bottom they are #26-Simple Shell Stitch, Ranch Red, H Hook, #7-Alternate Puff Stitch, Warm Brown, H Hook and #9-Arch Stitch, Farmland Multi, H Hook.

I thought I would have had #8-Chevron Relief Stitch to show you but I am in the midst of redoing that one. It measured a little less than 7 inches and I have done so good with the other 3 that I didn't want to have to "fudge" a square.

I managed a good bit of stitching last night but had to stop because I need to blend more threads. So this afternoon, I plan on blending some more threads and then tonight I will be ready to pick up where I left off.

In the meantime today I am doing some chores that I have been delaying like cleaning the family room and the kitchen stove. LOL The weather is awesome today and I love the smell of clean that is inside the house.

Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Mia, I just want to say hello.
Your chrochet looks great, it doesn't look like it's made by an unexperienced person! good luck on your chores today.

3:16 AM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wow, that afghan really makes me want to try it, but since I know limited crochet, I'll stick to what I know until next year! Only a few resolutions a year, you know? This year's was learning to crochet, next year's will be completing some fantastic project like that 63 square thingy everyone seems to be doing!

6:42 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Mia, I love the colors you picked for the afghan, they're going to look beautiful when it's all finished. I need to find a specific day to crochet or something. It seems like I do a bunch of squares, then I hit one I don't really like doing and I get stuck. The cool weather is sort of inspiring, though!

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your squares look great Mia! I really must get back to my knitted afghan, it's been sorely neglected :(

12:49 PM  
Blogger Running Kiwi said...

Your squares are looking good - love the picture of your Rose too - it will be beautiful when it is finished. Oh, and I hear you on the baby and toddler thing ... for the first time in years I don't have either and I'm amazed at how much less stressed, and more time I have!

2:39 PM  

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