My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tuesday This and That

Here it is Tuesday and it has been another productive morning in my household. Both kids are at school and one of them is probably having lunch right now. I typed all morning for my attorney-boss and he just left about a half an hour ago with the work that I started typing around 8:30 and finished up a little after 10. I am doing my last load of laundry til the end of the week and I have a smaller ironing pile that I so hope is finished up before this evening.

I re-started square #26 yesterday. I measured it and it is 7 1/2". I ripped it out and tried the G Hook. It measured 6". I ripped that and restarted with the H Hook. I am going to try to play with my tension and see how that goes. As of now, I have the first row almost finished but haven't had a chance to finish it and measure to see if I am within the gauge. I figure if I can keep every square at 7 to 7 1/4" I should be okay. I am not going to fuss too much but I am going to make sure that they all measure the same as this square. Oh the pressure of this poor square #26 (Simple Shell Stitch).

In other news, I went to Back to School last night for my DD. I LOVE her teacher. This is a teacher that has been teaching for quite awhile BUT that is where it ends. She has so many fresh ideas for the children and I have a feeling DD will have a blast and continue to be stimulated instead of being bored. The only downside is is that this is a BIGGIE Math year. DD is not a big fan of math but does very well. I just figured I wouldn't tell her that little tidbit. We will just plow through it as the year goes on.

Tonight I have nowhere to be. YES!! After I finish up my chores, I will work on my square to get it to gauge and then tonight I plan on working on Rose. Right now, I have a screaming rotation. I just want to stitch on whatever I feel like. The only stipulation I put on this is that I am not going to start another project til I meet a certain goal with all 3 of my biggie projects. I may do something small but nothing big.

I am also getting ready to scrapbook my first pages. It will be the Kids' First Days of School. I took pictures. I saved a couple of things they came home with, I bought the paper I want to put underneath the pictures and I am working on a little questionnaire or survey that I plan on having my children fill out in their handwriting about their thoughts on the first day of school. Hopefully I will get to this on Sunday. My friends (or they who roped me into scrapbooking) want to plan on scrapbooking on Sunday. This will be a first for me and I hope I like it. I know I will but I don't want to like it too much. I can't cut into cross stitching time. LOL

I better get myself moving. I want to accomplish a few more household chores before I have to get my kids from school. Tonight I think the homework will not be pretty. (Last night they had none!)

Have a great day everyone!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Scrapping is very addictive. I love it!!!
I make up beautiful "pages" and give them as gifts. My sister now has an entire photo album full of my "gift" pages. There are hundreds of ideas for creating.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Whoo hoo for scrapbooking! You will love it!

Speaking of, I need to haul mine out and get hoofin' - it has only been a YEAR since I touched the stuff!

7:15 AM  

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