My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Hard to believe another week has gone by. At times it seemed like it was dragging and then other times it felt like it was flying on by. As of this typing at 9:30, my DD is still asleep and DS is building something with Legos. Me, I still need to shower and start the day. Originally, I was going to have us up and ready and out of here by 11 to go to the pool. But that slowly changed as DD really needs to catch up on her sleep. Yesterday DS and my nephew woke her up and it made for a very long day for me. My DD loves to sleep in and you do not want to wake her up prematurely. LOL

So far this weekend, we are going out for pizza tonight and then out to dinner on Sunday for my father in law's birthday. In between, I have made no plans and figure we will do whatever we please. I know DH will be working on finishing up our powder room. It is really looking awesome and I plan on taking a picture to show you. Once he is finished grouting the tile, he will attach the sink and then we have to wait on the toilet. He ordered it the other day and it should be here by Monday but I don't know exactly as I was busy at a scrapbooking demonstration when he ordered it. But it looks like I will have my powder room back in a matter of days now. It has been awhile since that powder room was functional.

I know I would like to start looking for new furniture for DS's room. He needs a new bedroom set for the bigger, older him and I would like to have that between now and the fall. He is still in his race car bed. LOL I remember searching for that thing for what seemed like months (it was probably weeks but I was preg. with DD at the time). That is the bed he wanted. Now I have to tell you that he is not complaining about that bed. It is DH and I that want to get him a more mature bedroom set that will take him to adulthood. So furniture shopping may be on the agenda some time this weekend.

On the stitching front, I sort of broke rotation this week. I just never had more than 2 hours to stitch at a time and working 1 hour on one project and 1 on another doesn't work. So I just stitched on whatever I wanted and most of the time it was the dragon with the little fairy freebie thrown in one day while I was waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I will post my progress pictures after I finish this entry.

For the weekend, I am going to try to get back on track with working on the dragon for one hour and then Coffee. I will probably be at the pool at some point this weekend and I will take the fairy with me.

I have to admit that I made good progress with the dragon. I counted 21 grid blocks with 7 of them total stitching within the 100 X 100 grids. After a week, I am now a handful of stitches away from the scattered stitches near the face. That makes me really happy as this means that by next week, I should be finishing up the face and moving to the left side of the dragon's head. What you see in the scan is the top portion of the chart. After the scattered stitches, there is maybe 2-3 rows to the half way point of the chart. That is a good feeling and I hope I can keep plugging away so that this can be finished some time in the next year or so. I have to try really hard not to put it away again. That is the problem with this project. I end up putting it away and then I promptly forget about him. If I can work that one hour thing with the dragon, I should see if finished up in no time.

I only picked up Coffee once this week. I am not scanning the progress of that as it really hasn't changed much. I just managed to fill in a few coffee beans. Hopefully by next week, I will be able to post some real progress on this one.

Well I better get moving. I want to check DD and I want to get myself in the shower and ready to start my day.

Have a great day everyone!!!!


Blogger Judy said...

The dragon looks outstanding!

Have a terrific weekend!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dragon is looking great, Mia!

I've abandoned my rotation completely and have just been concentrating on Mimi's Tape Measure during the day and another small project in the evening. It's quite liberating really ;)

5:04 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

OMG Mia! I love your new blog!

9:57 PM  

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