My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm Melting!!!

It is just so hot and humid here. The hot would not be bad as we are in the high 80s, low 90s but the humidity is very much unbearable. I opened the door about an hour ago and you can feel it immediately. Looks like another day spent in the pool for this family.

Yesterday we got to the pool a little late as I needed to get some stuff done around the house and I had a few errands to run. We got to the pool around 1 PM and left before 5. Out of those 4 hours, we spent at least 3 1/2 IN the pool. The good thing was that the pool was not crowded. I am hoping that lots of people are away on vacation and today will be the same because today is supposed to be even hotter.

Last night I just vegged out with the dragon. I am now in the next section of gridblocks which go right to his face. It is 7 across and 3 down so that is a total of 21 blocks I will be finishing up soon. Only 7 of those blocks are total stitching. The rest are either filling in or those scattered stitches at the bottom of the sky. This is going to look great when I finally finish it in the next century or so. But I have to admit that working on it at least an hour a day is working for me.

I didn't pick up Coffee as I didn't settle in til late last night. Tonight should be different as we are going to the pool early. I already have a piece of London Broil marinating and just need to do veggies and a pasta or potato.

Once I get dinner dishes done tonight, I plan on settling in and stitching. We have been watching Big Brother 6 and that Rockstar INXS show and it is great stitching t.v. Big Brother reminds me of rats in a lab that have to run around in the maze. LOL The Rockstar show is pretty interesting in seeing how the are "auditioning" to get the lead singer position in the band.

Well I guess that is about it for today. I am so hoping to have great progress pictures to show you on Friday. I will even include my little freebie fairy which now has a face. :)

Have a great day everyone and stay cool!!!!


Blogger Cathy said...

I'm with you on the heat! We haven't even got to go swimming, as DH noticed last week that water was running down the side of the house from the hose nozzle. He's worried a pipe may have burst over the winter, and if we run the water, it might wear away at the foundation. I emptied the pool this morning, and don't think I'll be able to fill it for the rest of the summer! Bummer.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

Ugggh this weather is horrible! Enjoy the pool!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Judy said...

I'll trade - I'll take the humidity - you take Emily! Sound fair? Tee hee!

2:30 PM  

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