Ho Hum (yawn)!
I really don't have much to say today!! Okay, stop laughing, but it is true. I wasn't even going to post an entry as nothing major or even minor is going on in my world. Sure I could complain about a few things, but it just isn't worth it in the long run. I am doing the same old boring stuff I do every day so I figure I will just post a few blurbs on said ho hum day here.
First off, I am well into the backstitching of Celestial Prayer. Watch this spot for a soon to be finish and my first for the year. With coming close to a finish, I plan on a trip to AC Moore to get my stuff for mounting and finishing and framing. I do already have the frame, I just need the other stuff as I only have big pieces of core board and am too lazy to cut a 5 X 7 piece.
With any luck, AC Moore will have something that will catch my eye. They normally do but I have been there at times and nothing catches my eye.
Next, I am doing great with keeping up with household chores and such. That is a good feeling and I hope it continues through the summer as we will be out and about most of the time and I do so enjoy spending lazy days with my kids.
Crocheting....well I am well into square #41 for like the 4th time and this time it is coming out okay. YES!!! I am so hoping once this square is done I will be motivated to continue on for a few more.
This morning we counted the days left of school. Sigh....not knowing if there are any days off, we have 13 more to go counting today. Too many if you ask me. Judy, my kids go to Catholic school and we start in September so that is why we have the June finish. But this year it seems late. We get out the 17th. Last year it was the 11th. And it is not like we used snow days to have this late finish. I can't wait. I am so tired of the crap I have been dealing with. I had an issue crop up with DD yesterday and I felt like telling someone (can't say cause who knows if they know I have a blog) to stop paying attention to your two pets and start paying attention to the other 18. The other 18 stand on their own merit and don't need to prove anything.

Tonight with any luck, I won't have crap to deal with and will enjoy an evening stitching while my family watches whatever it is they watch on t.v.
Have a great day everyone!!!
the state of Texas just passed a law that school must begin after Labor Day starting in 2006, so I am sure we'll be joining the ranks of those that go to school into June. For now, though, and next school year, classes begin mid-august and end before Memorial Day.
Our schools go on even longer here - we're on half-term at the moment and I'm not due to finish at the school until the middle of July! ;) And they go back pretty much at the beginning of September, only 6 weeks or so break.
Hi Mia, I want to ask you something. Can you mail my through my weblog? I can't find an emailadres from you on your blog.
Anneke, I left a comment on your blog with my email.
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