Book Tag
Book Tag. Thank you Lee for tagging me. I have loved reading these in everyone's blogs.
1. Total number of books I've owned:
Gosh, if not hundreds then thousands. My mother instilled a lifelong love of reading into me and for that I thank her. I love to read.
2. Last book I bought. Bound for Murder by Laura Childs.
3. The last book I read. See Above.
4. Five books that mean a lot to me.
Gosh, this is tough but here goes:
Harry Potter Series. I started reading Sorcerer's Stone to my then 6 year old right before his 7th birthday. It has now become a tradition to read a Harry Potter during their summer vacation. We had to take last year off because of our move so this year we will read Goblet of Fire and to this day, they want me to do voices and such. (DS will be 12 in July).
Goodnight, Moon. This was the very, very first book I bought for my newborn baby boy and I have read it many, many times through the years that I have it memorized. It gives me warm fuzzies when I think of all the times I had a child or two snuggled up with me and read it "just one more time".
Stephen King's "It". This just confirmed my fears that clowns are just no good. LOL (no offense to anyone who is a clown, likes clowns, etc.) Really though, I love Stephen King and his books are very thought-provoking and downright scary.
Gone With the Wind. I can still remember having to read this in High School and my mom bought the hardback and that was one huge book but very enjoyable. My mom and I also enjoyed watching the movie together.
Bridge to Terabitha. DS had to read this book last year with his class and I read along to make sure of his comprehension (something I have done since he was in 2nd grade). Well I couldn't put it down and laughed and cried at the adventures of Jess and Leslie. It is a great book for a pre-teen.
I am sure I could go on but these were the first books that came to my mind and as you can see most have a connection to my kids. Hopefully they will both inherit my love of reading.
As for the last question, I am not going to tag anyone as I think everyone has answered it. Thanks again Lee for tagging me. This was fun.
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