Easter Monday
Good Afternoon everyone!! I have tried all morning to get on here but DD was playing her I Spy game on the computer. She just loves I Spy. It was fine too, cause I got the entire family room cleaned, dusted and vacuumed. No easy feat when you have two children and one nephew running around.
Easter was wonderful. My DH's entire family was at Uncle Angelo's and we had such a nice time. The food was wonderful and the company even better. We left a little after 8 PM last night and we all vegged out in front of the t.v. I managed to almost finish square #7, the alternate puff stitch, last night.
Yesterday morning we had our Easter Mass at the Catholic High School down the street. (Our church is still being repaired because of the fire in February). Let me tell you, the Mass was the most beautiful I ever attended. You didn't even know we were in the auditorium. The stage was decorated with purple and gold and red (colors of Lent and Easter) and the altar, chairs and linens were all white. It was breathtaking. To add our St. Pius personality, the senior choir was present on the stage too. They wore our Church colors of royal blue/gold. Their voices were lovely. We also had a small horn section playing quietly in the background. I think in all my life that was the first time I ever attended a Mass with a horn section. It was beautiful and being Easter, it was so joyous and since we were away from the Parish all of our priests were there with my favorite saying the Mass. Before Mass, the priests were going up and down and around greeting all of the parishioners. That auditorium was big and it was crowded. There were 4 Masses yesterday and I know the one before ours was crowded also. We got there a little early and they were still letting out.
It was cold and damp here and I was able to visit my parents' grave and MIL's grave before the rain started. It seems like every time I go to the cemetaries, it is rainy and muddy. I am happy the rain held out for that.
So all in all, Easter was beautiful here. I am tired today and don't plan on too much for the rest of the day.
After I finish some laundry, I plan on stitching. I may finish up the Alternate Puff Stitch CAL square this afternoon and then stitch tonight on Coffee. I barely cross stitched this weekend because of Easter preparations but I am happy I now can crochet for those times when it is too much to pull out cross stitch.
Before I go, I have to let you know that my reservations for CATS are made. Sis in law and I were nervous that there may not be any rooms left. We shouldn't have worried. I called Friday night and our room reservations are made for the Friday of CATS. I can't wait and I hope that I get to meet Cathy and maybe even you Jo. You know, you aren't THAT far from PA. :)) I also hope to meet old friends and new ones I have made by blogging and joining The Wagon (which I may have to go on between now and September lol).
Have a great day everyone!!!

I'm glad you had a great Easter. A brass section totally makes Easter Sunday Mass. My best friend is the director of the choir at the church I grew up in and she always has brass on Easter. Yet another thing I miss so much about home.
We will have to meet up at CATS. We can sit in the 24-hour stitching lounge. I think that's the thing I'm looking forward to most of all, just sitting and stitching without being interrupted by any little ones. Feel free to e-mail me! And you're totally right, Jo isn't far at all.
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