I Am Glad It is Monday
There, I said it!!! For once, I am happy it is Monday. For once I am glad to be in my normal routine. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the weekend, but it was one of those weekends where I was on the go constantly. Since Friday I think I only had about 3 hours total of downtime. So for today, I am glad it is Monday.
The weekend was very busy. Saturday I ran some errands, went to Mass and then went to sis in law's for nephew's birthday. We got in later than I wanted to but I did manage to stitch a bit before bed.
Yesterday I was up very early and DD and I went to our old friend and hairdresser to get our hair done. Both of us look great. Now to get my hair to look like it is supposed to look with the new cut. It is just a little shorter than I have been wearing it (shoulder length) and it is a bit shorter in the back, longer in the front and layered. Gosh with the description I just gave, it doesn't sound to nice. But it is. DD also has a bit of a layered look but we are keeping her hair long because of her First Holy Communion.
After the haircuts, I came home, gave the kids lunch and then DH came home from work early and had lunch. Around 1 PM, we went to my parents house to clean out. My father's estate will be settled in the next few months and the house has to go up for sale. So we spent about 6 hours there and we made a huge dent. I also found lots of treasures that I will use to decorate my house. I also saw how much my parents loved each other. My dad was in the Army in 1949 and was honorably discharged some time in 1950. He was discharged because his ear drum was damaged on the rifle range. He ended up in the military hospital and then they sent him home. Anyway, back to my parents. I found TWO boxes of letters that my dad wrote my mom while he was in Fort Jackson and Fort Benning. My dad wrote to my mom every single day. My mom saved every single one. I can't bring myself to read them. I tried to read one and felt like I was invading their privacy. I am sure they were smiling down on me yesterday as I was blushing and quickly putting the letter back in its place. I also found their huge wedding album. They made a beautiful couple and one of these days, I will post a picture of them. Anyway, in the album there is a picture and I have the same exact one. I was married in the same Church. The only difference is my picture is in color and theirs black and white. What a treasure I fell upon yesterday. I am sure there are more but for now, I feel like I hit the jackpot. I never had a doubt of their love for each other or their love for me, this just supports all they represented in life and all I will remember and my children will remember from here on in.
I also found a poncho that was crocheted for ME!! Well it is in today. I remember that poncho very well and I don't recall who made it but I do remember wearing it. It is white and there are tiny granny squares in bright colors. DD fell in love with it. As I type, it is in the washer on gentle so I can get it white and bright again. She wants to wear it!!! It does have a small hole in it that I may try to repair but I doubt that I will be able to get the white yarn to match the weight this poncho was made in. So I will see what I will do about that. It is small and others may not notice but I know it is there. I also found two crocheted afghans, my grandmom made. I plan on putting them away for each of my children so they can have something from their great grandmother.
All in all it was a great day and the tears were few. Actually the tears I shed were happy ones as I found things. So I guess my healing is progressing and while I miss them every minute of the day, I know they are up there together, watching me and my family. To me that is priceless. They need to be together. :)
After we left my parents, we had fast food for dinner and came home. Even though the days were busy this weekend, they were satisfying. Last night I did sit and stitch on Coffee and worked some on the tan inner border. Hopefully this week I will make a nice dent in the blues. I am going to try my best to keep my crochet for the car and cross stitch for home. Last week because I was so excited, I wanted to do it all the time. This week, I am going to try to control that. LOL
So for the rest of the day, I plan on laundry (trying to keep up lol), prep for dinner, straightening and sneaking in some stitches here and there. Tonight I plan on vegging in front of the t.v. with the kids (DH has to work), and stitching some more.
I know this entry got long which I didn't anticipate. If you are interested, I posted my latest crochet square along with my Coffee progress below.
Have a great day everyone!!! One week til spring!! I can't wait!!

Mia, it's lovely that you have so many wonderful memories of your parents that you can pass on to your children.
I'm glad your DD liked your poncho - it's amazing how fashions come around again, isn't it?!
Mia, it seems like a really intense weekend. I think it's very important that you have such memories of your parents.
The poncho sounds really nice, any chance of a pic??
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