My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Easter Break

Today is the first full day of Easter break and I have allergies or head cold or both. I am not THAT miserible but close. But I really don't care as I don't have to be anywhere any time soon today.

Yesterday was chaos and I think I only got on here for a few brief moments. It was pouring rain all day and was cold and damp. Our yard is a mess because of all the work going on. YUCK!! The kids are under strict orders today that if they go outside to play they cannot go in the yard. I don't want it tracked into the house or them to fall or get hurt on wood chips, broken concrete or rocks. I will be so glad when our new patio is built. The excavation of the area will begin right after Easter break (week of April 4).

I did manage to finally get the hang of the Trinity Square for the CAL. Hopefully I will post a picture in the next couple of days. I actually felt more like cross stitching but did work on getting the square right (Thanks Belinda).

Coffee is coming along great. I am really enjoying it and I can't wait to settle in later to stitch on it. DH and the kids think it is looking cool and wanna know how I made the swirls since the stitches are square. Don't ask me, I am not the designer. I just enjoy doing what I am doing.

I am watching my nephew this week and I don't have much planned at the moment for the kids. I figure let me get the rest of my Easter preparations finished. But now with cold/allergy/stuffy head I am just going to take my time. Hopefully DH will come home a little early the next couple days and will be here to help me out. I am still debating on whether or not to tag along when DS has his drum lesson tonight. DH could drop me and DD off at the store and then pick us up on the way back. I don't know yet. I will see how the day goes.

Have a great Holy Thursday everyone!!


Blogger Cathy said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Once that deck is in, your kids will have a great place to play. It's been so nasty out anyway the last few days. Mud, mud, mud! If I recall, I had done the trinity stitch square for another afghan I made (the reason I had bought the pattern in the first place), and I had a tough time with it as well. It sure is pretty, though!

12:54 AM  

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