The Countdown Continues...

Can you tell I am getting a bit excited? LOL
Yesterday I realized that I am ready for a girl's weekend doing the hobby I love the best...stitching!!! It sucks that we only get to go Friday evening and all day Saturday but in a couple years sis in law and I have decided that we will go the entire time. Hopefully CATS is still going strong or something else will be available. Right now with my kids being small and her youngest being small, it is hard to get away and have someone there for the kids because both DHs work and both have very little vacation time. But for now I am content to have Friday and Saturday. I can't wait.
As I said, yesterday I realized I needed time away. The typing for the attorney took all morning and part of the afternoon. It really was a lot but it is done and waiting for him. He was supposed to be here this morning but has yet to show up. Fine by me. It give me a chance to get stuff done and I am getting stuff done. The thought of going away with the girls has me totally motivated to whip my household into shape.
So far I am doing laundry and two loads are done and put away and two more are washing and drying as I type. I will get the bathrooms cleaned and sweet smelling and probably get the living room dusted and vacuumed too. I decided early this morning that tonight we will have take-out because I can just go through the house and get stuff done. DH doesn't know this yet, but he won't mind. I am hoping by tonight I will have a lot done. It looks like it is going to happen too.
On the stitching front, I now have almost 8 grid blocks finished on the Coffee design. I will post a picture either Thursday or early Friday before I leave for CATS so you can see how much I have accomplished.
Well I took a break as my boss DID show up and since he left I managed to clean the powder room, do a couple more loads of laundry and pay all of our bills online. Good feeling of accomplishment in such a short time. Hopefully this energy will stay with me the rest of the week so I don't have to worry about anything on Sunday other than fondling newly acquired stash.
Before I go, please send a prayer or good thought to DS. He is doing standardized testing this week and this school places a lot on the individual student as opposed to the overall picture. Our old school more or less looked at the overall performance of the Terra Nova scores. He has been having a tough time and I know he was nervous this morning but wouldn't let on. I am trying my best to keep his self confidence and self esteem up but he has had some struggles the past few weeks trying to fit in his new school. I will keep you posted on how he did which I know will be good but his nerves may get the best of him this time.
Til tomorrow....have a great day!!!
Hi Mia, I'm getting the idea that you are getting excited about your weekend away!!! You deserve to have some time away to yourself and I'm sure you will have a great time. I hope your DS feels OK with the testing. He sounds like a great kid and I'm sure he will do his best, which all anyone can expect from him. Jo
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