My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, September 24, 2004


I have been waiting for this day ALL week. I have been so looking forward to the weekend since last weekend. We have absolutely nothing planned and I like it that way. I have figured on a few things but for once they are fun things.

Tonight is pizza for dinner and besides having my father in law and sister in law and her family, I also invited my new friend Kim and her daughter. It should be fun. We normally have fun Friday dinners. Pizza If everyone leaves early enough I will settle in to finish up this rotation on the dragon. I "thought" I would be finished by today but I forgot about another school meeting last night and only did maybe one strand of thread last night. But in looking at the dragon, there is not much more I need to do this rotation.

Tomorrow I plan on doing some FUN errands. Driving I want to get some Halloween/Fall decorations and Halloween pencils for DD. So a trip to the Dollar Store is in order. I also need to get to Barnes and Noble for some new chapter books for DD. In the past week, she has brought and finished three at school. They have reading time and she is just whizzing through them. Books I always enjoy a trip to the book store. I am also very proud of DD and seeing how great she is reading. She takes after me and I am so proud. DS is starting to read a little more but not like DD. And she really just started on chapter books at the end of summer so this is great.

For the rest of the weekend, I plan on the never-ending laundry, stitching and computer time and of course playing with the kids. I may treat them both to a new game boy game or video game as they have been doing so well in school and have not given me any trouble at all. That is a good thing as by this time, I normally can't get a child out of bed or there is a screaming match at homework time. It is not happening so far and therefore it deserves a reward. I love spoiling the kids every now and then and they are overdue in my opinion.

Right now, I need to do the hair and makeup and get myself to the grocery store.
Have a fun Friday everyone!! Leaf Pile


Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

Hi Mia, it's great to hear that everything is going well with your family. Congrats to your DH on the new job and to your kids for doing so well in school, and of course to you for being such a great Mom and awesome stitcher. I've never been to CATS but I'm hoping I'll be able to go next year. It sounds like you have a great weekend planned so I hope you enjoy it!! Jo

6:26 PM  

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