My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

This and That

I have lots going on so I figure I will just ramble along today or should I say tonight. LOL

DH has decided to go out on his own. I don't blame him. The company he works for is changing how things are done but still want him to stay. If he stays, he will sub-contract for them. It is long and complicated but bottom line is that my DH is going to be starting his own business. It is very scary and very exciting at the same time. But DH is a great carpenter/contractor and will build up a business and maybe this time next year I will have forgotten how scared I am right at this moment. My emotions are going from high to low in a matter of seconds all day today (well actually since yesterday). This is worst than when I was pregnant with hormone swings. Heaven help me when I hit menopause.

Tonight we had the family over to celebrate my kids' bdays. I am only about 6 weeks late doing this and I never do one party for both kids. DS turned 11 in July and DD turned 7 earlier this month. Since we moved, I never got a chance to do something for DS. As for DD, both DH's sisters were away for her bday and I didn't want to celebrate without them. Then I would have done something this past weekend, but we celebrated DNiece's 21st bday. There just hasn't been time. But it was done tonight and it was a success and it was my first small party in our new home.

My DD made a new friend (her first since we moved in June) and so did I. It is her mom and I love her. We are so much alike. Her DD came over for the party tonight and I invited K. She ran home, did her dinner dishes and came back. We had a great time and she really fit in considering it was the first time she met my family. But we are a friendly bunch and she had fun and wants to have me and DH and the kids over for a bbq soon. I am looking forward to that.

On the stitching front, I haven't stitched a thing in days. It is really affecting me. I need to stitch to de-stress even if it is two stitches. It always makes me feel better. After I do my household stuff tomorrow which is mainly finding home for the kids' bday presents, I plan on enjoying the afternoon stitching. I really want to work on some stuff before I start my rotation. Sheesh, I had all these plans when I joined the Rotation Stitchers BB, and I spent time thinking out a type of rotation and I haven't even started the darn thing yet. Well I set a goal of Labor Day weekend to start and I am sticking to it. It is pitiful that we are almost to September and I have ONE finish for the entire year and that was something small (very small).

I am off to bed now and hopefully tomorrow I will have something to write about actually stitching. That would be good for a change.


Blogger Erica said...

Mia...I like to type in color too! Exact same reason I chose this template. Great minds think alike. ;) I wish your DH the very best with starting his own business...I bet it'll be great! Being in business for yourself can be very rewarding and wonderful from what I hear! :)

11:51 PM  
Blogger Mia said...

Thanks, Erica. I woke up a little while ago still smiling to myself that our blogs are alike and now I read that we both like to type in color. LOL And thanks for the positive thoughts for DH. It is very scary at the moment but I am sure it will all work out. DH is a hard worker no matter what he does and he will succeed. I guess it is just my fear of the unknown that is scaring me right now.

8:26 AM  

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