Beginning of a New Week
It has been a busy weekend and I only had a little bit of down time this afternoon. Friday evening and yesterday saw me busy with my DNiece's 21st birthday party. I helped get stuff together Friday evening and of course the party was last evening. It was great. But I was tired today. Of course, I still had things to do today. It started off with going to Mass and I felt very rejuvenated after that. I love when the homilies are just when the priest talks. In fact, the priest came right off the altar and just addressed all of us. I like times like those in Church. After that, we came home and had lunch and then I started the boring household chores. Of course I am not finished but I did accomplish a lot.
The only thing I didn't accomplish this entire weekend was stitching. And I really want to stitch. I just got off the phone with my dear Sis in Law and she was just settling in to stitch. She is my partner in stash and we go every year to CATS together. Now that my DH and I have moved closer, we are even stitching together. She is currently stitching on Augusta by Mystic Stitch but she has not gotten far because of the summer. Her and I are in the same boat. We have the best of intentions but they just don't pan out because of the carefree days of summer. Hopefully when I finish up this entry, I will settle in and try to stitch.
I deparately wanted to start my rotation but it just isn't happening. I am not giving up before it begins so I plan on starting my new weekly rotation the weekend of Labor Day. I may tweak it a bit (just in case we go away for that weekend) but it is getting started on that Saturday. In the meantime, I plan on jumping around a bit. I know definitely I will finish up the small design I am doing for DD and I will also work on the dragon for my DS and I may even pull out a Chatelaine. I plan to have two guiltfree weeks of stitching whatever I want to stitch. I may even start something new to go in my week 4 slot. Or maybe I will do a small ornament or something small. But the most important thing is I will enjoy myself doing whatever I plan on stitching on. And of course, I will have on guilt.
This week I plan on stitching (guilt-free, of course). I also want to add some cute stuff to my blog. That takes me time cause I am pretty computer illiterate. I also want to do a Meme or Stitcher Question of the Week. Something to make it a little more interesting here. I also want to enjoy these last days of summer enjoying it with my kids. All too soon, they will be starting back to school. Hopefully I can keep all of the above promises I have made to myself for this new week. Oh, and that includes getting this house sparkling.

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