My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

A Day Off....

Being a SAHM, some would say I have every day off. But not true. Being home and taking care of my family is 24/7. I give lots of credit to those moms who work out of the house and then come home and work. Some days I just need down time. It doesn't happen often. It normally happens when there is a lot on my plate. And it is not like a day off doing nothing. It is a day where I take a break from my normal everyday household chores. And today is going to be one of those days. I call them my Mental Health Days.

Since we moved in June, things have been hectic with all the unpacking and everything that goes with settling into a new home. Then this past weekend my DH was informed his job was changing. That really upset me but I was very busy this past weekend that I never had time to really let it sink in. Things are looking much better today on the job front for DH but it is still not 100%. Of course I also had time to process this as did DH maybe that is why things are looking better. Also, it has helped to talk to his sister and brother in law whom I adore and respect. So with all the thinking and worry and so on, I really think a day off will make me feel a lot better.

Today I plan on spending it with my kiddies. I do have a few errands to run but they are not like the dreaded grocery shopping. I also plan on finishing reorganizing my DMC. It really has gotten out of hand. At our old house, I would just throw them in a bag. I do have a cabinet that they stay in but it is only large enough for one of each in a floss baggie. The rest would go in this bag from AC Moore. Well I have been kitting up a few things to have to go with my new rotation which I am just starting. Since I am kitting up more than one thing, I have been digging in this bag. Enough is enough. I sat yesterday with this bag and grouped it all by the 100s, 200s, 3800s, white, black, ecru and so on. I then put each group into its own baggie that I wrote the group number on. Much easier for me now. So today I still have some to finish and will do that. I will also stitch on Fire Dragon as I really haven't been stitching and really do want to stitch.

I am looking forward to my day off today. It will clear the cobwebs in my brain and make my body and soul feel so much better. It will also cause me to slow down and enjoy the day which is something I haven't done in quite a while.


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