Learning and Growing.....
Since the last time I came here, I have learned a lot.
First off, I decided to join the Rotation Stitchers BB. I was lurking there shortly before we moved and now since we are more settled, I spent a good portion of last week and this weekend reading posts. It is a really great place and I learned a lot about rotations along with meeting some very warm and friendly fellow stitchers. So I took the plunge and introduced myself. That was the easy part. The hard part was coming up with a fairly decent rotation. While I am still not 100% happy with what I came up with, for now it will do. After all, I don't want to crash and burn like I did the past couple years. I have more starts than finishes this year and I need to do something and I think with the support of the Rotation Stitchers BB, I will do great. For now I decided on a weekly rotation and my rotation goes something like this:
Week 1 - Fire Dragon by Cross My Heart
Week 2 - Coffee design, artwork by Karen Bates, chart by Mystic Stitch
Week 3 - One of my Chatelaines that is started (none of the ones that are kitted and I found today I have more kitted than I thought)
Week 4 - one of the above designs until I add something from my vast stash here. I am thinking of something small as it seems all of the above are huge.
I will post progress here once I start the rotation. I am looking at maybe starting it next week as I am still doing that small design for DD.
The next thing I learned was about blogging. I saw it on the BB and clicked on all the links and after some trial and error, I was able to add the little mood thingie to the right. As people will learn, I am not the most computer literate person in the world. But I am a quick learner and after a few mistakes, I figured out how to get that thing up there. The next test will be to do some blogrolling and try those Stitcher Question of the Week and Memes. That would be pretty cool, especially since this blog will get pretty boring with me just yapping away about my everyday life. But I figure I wanted a place to share my stitching and share some of my life with others.
So I guess since the last time I posted here, I am learning and growing and want to continue to do so. Now, if I can just find a way to be here and stitch at the same time........
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