Back from Club Tomato
In a moment of silliness on Friday night, we dubbed our Friday night of washing 43 baskets of tomatoes "Club Tomato". LOL We had to do something to keep our sanity from washing huges tubs of tomatos and weeding out the bad from the good.
Yesterday bright and early on a very overcast day, the pots were turned on the first tomatoes were put in to boil and soften. Twelve long hours later, we were finished and sat down to a meal of clams, mussels and scallops over spaghetti with the first taste of sauce. It was yummy and well deserved after all of our hard work.
Today I am tired but a good tired. I did a little straightening and made a pot of sauce (I still have some of last years) for dinner. Tonight is ravioli. I think instead of blood we have tomato sauce in our veins. LOL
A little while ago, I picked up my "12 Days" and stitched for the first time in almost a week. It felt good and I can't wait to get back to it. Yesterday during our long day, my sister in law and I talked about trying to get together one day a weekend to stitch the afternoon away. We have so much stuff to stitch and so much we want to buy that we need a plan. Right now we plan on Sundays (one at hers, the next at mine) and we will stitch and then have dinner together. We have always gotten along so well and I have to tell you that she is not only a sister in law, she is my best friend. We always have had a great relationship with very few bumps along the way. :)
We talked about CATS and how we can't wait. It told her I am trying to get organized and how I "window shopped" the other night. You see, I also window shopped for her too. LOL It seems all the projects I want to do are so big and involved. Sigh... I really hope our plan works. I will really have lots of finishes if it works.
Today I did lots of thinking and decided to go ahead and buy what I saw the other night. My plan is not a rotation but a way to get stuff done. I am still working out the kinks on how I can accomplish this so I am not posting my plan yet. It will be soon. I need to go through my stash and my WIPS and see what I am going to do. I am hoping a light bulb will go off over my head when I get the "perfect" plan. :)
For tonight, I am vegging out in front of the t.v. and enjoying my stitching.
Have a great evening!!
phew, I feel tired just reading about club tomato :) I 'need' to start window shopping for CATS too. I definitely 'need' more fabric lol
Congratulations on your canning. I really enjoyed reading about your family getting together and doing this every year. What a great tradtion!
Wow - you and your sister-in-law sound a lot like me and my sister-in-law!
Sounds like you might have a few tomatoes, eh?
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