Busy Weekend
Good Morning Everyone!!
It was a busy weekend in our household. My birthday was on Friday and our friends that we went to Cancun with had us over for dinner. It was nice not to cook and we had a great time with lots of laughs. We plan on going back to Cancun in two years. :) I had a very enjoyable birthday from start to finish.
On Saturday, I did lots of running around. DS had a birthday party Saturday night and we just relaxed in front of the t.v. and I stitched on Tesori.
Yesterday I was spoiled by my kids and DH. I didn't have to do anything. DH cooked breakfast and the kids presented me with their handmade gifts from school. DS made a potholder but not like the kind with the loops. It is a fabric one that he painted. DD presented me with a book that was all about me, her, and DS and DH. It is a treasure I will always cherish along with the potholder that I don't think I will use because I don't want to get anything on it. :)
Before I forget, Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of the moms out there. I tried to get online yesterday but there just wasn't time. Last night we ate at my sister in law's for dinner. We had a great time and we ate early enough for me to get home in time to watch the Survivor finale. During that time, I finished up stitching Calabria on Tesori. This is such a fun stitch. I think I like the fact that I am basically using one color of thread so it is growing fast. It was one week start to finish and I had two evenings where I didn't even pick up a needle.
Here is my mini finish on Tesori:

Because it was a busy weekend, my house had suffered from it. I have mega laundry and straightening to do today. But that is okay. I knew it would happen and after a short weekend off, I am ready to tackle my household stuff. It just makes me realize that if I don't straighten everyday, the house quickly goes to pot so to speak. LOL
I better get cracking on my chores. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Oh Mia! That is looking GREAT! I'm in laundry Hell, too! ACK!
Oh! Tesori looks beautiful! Good luck with the housework! I am hoping that now DH is gone I can keep it up a little better on my end. We shall see.
Bon anniversaire!
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