Mid Week Progress

Here's my progress on California Wine Sampler. It is really moving along. I only stitched for about 15 minutes last night as we were out at Home Depot getting more plants for around our patio. I am loving how fast it is stitching and while I was skeptical about stitching with one strand of thread, I am liking the coverage on the fabric. And the camera doesn't do it justice but I love the way the overdyed thread looks in the border. I made a mistake about the halfway part of the chart. It is actually at the "a" in California and not the "f". I am so hoping to have it almost 1/2 finished by the weekend.
In other news, DH didn't get the tile yesterday as it turned out to be a long day for him at work. So instead of the work on family room last night, we trekked to Home Depot and bought a few more plants for around the patio. The patio sits next to the family room so it is like we are jumping from room to patio to get it all finished. Progress is slow but at least it is getting done and I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
For today I plan on finishing up the laundry and straightening and then tomorrow I will be back into the thick of Spring Cleaning. It has been tough this week because of the remodel work and the kids' school work to really make a dent into anything. I just didn't have the time to devote to one room when I had other stuff that needed doing.
The weather is awesome here. We need some rain but I am not complaining about the wonderful sunny and breezy days of spring. It is really a mood lifter especially when you are doing boring household stuff.
Have a great day everyone!!
Mia is is 96 degrees here already -can we borrow some of your more "seasonal" weather, PLEASE????
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