My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, January 06, 2006

CAL Squares Posted by Picasa
Here are the squares I did for CAL day with Cathy . I finished the border on the red square and did the tan square in its entirety. So I made some progress. One more square and I can piece together the first row. :)

In other news, I still have the cold but everyday I am feeling better. I am not coughing as much at night and my voice is pretty much back to normal. I am tired because of the lack of sleep but I figure I will catch up over the weekend.

Our weekend is going to be low key. We will pretty much stay around the house or maybe venture to the mall. That is about it other than Mass on Sunday.

I don't have any other progress pictures to show because I only managed 2 hours on the dragon, 2 hours on Coffee and I started a new project last night and I got one hour on that. It got me to thinking about my rotation. The three projects I am doing now are huge. Coffee and Rose are solidly stitched and the dragon is on black. I could very well end up having a year with no finishes if I only stitch one hour a day on each. I realize I had the cold and that made me not feel up to par for stitching but I want to make some room to have little things to do like the one I started last night.

So here is Version 2 of my 2006 rotation.
I am taking out Rose at the present time.
Sunday-Tuesday is Fire Dragon
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Night is Coffee
Thursday is CAL and if time permits a small holiday/gift project.
Saturday Afternoon is small/holiday gift project.

We shall see how this one turns out. I feel better taking out the big project and my goal is to have something finished each month which at the current time will be something small.

The new project I started is called Friendship Flowers. It was in the UK Cross Stitcher, November 2005 issue. The designer is Gail Bussi and I will be doing this for my best friend and finishing it into a cube. She is going through a tough time right now and could use some cheering up. The magazine states this takes 12 hours to stitch. LOL So far I have one hour into it and so far it is looking like something. LOL It is basket of flowers in the middle. Surrounding the flowers is the saying "All the flowers in our bouquet of friendship bloom forever." Then surrounding the saying is a border of flowers and then surrounding that is a border of satin stitch. The finished size should be around 5" X 5". As soon as I have more finished, I will post a progress picture. I am so hoping to have this finished by next weekend. If I get a chance, I will stitch on this this afternoon and then again tomorrow afternoon. If it comes close to being finished, I will work on it Sunday afternoon. I really would like to see this finished so I can give it to K.

So that is about it from here. I hope to be posting some progress pictures soon. I also hope to have a little more stitching time now that my cold is on its way out.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


Blogger Von said...

Glad you're feeling better Mia! The change in your rotation seems like a wise idea - finishing smaller projects keeps interest higher for larger projects :)

1:44 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wow, I wish I could say, "Okay, today I'm working on XXX" and have it happen! I'm doing good to get in one day a week right now (Tyler is WAY too busy to leave unattended now!).

2:20 PM  
Blogger Anna van Schurman said...

SS moved just down the road. It's further south on 202, just past McKenzie's Brewhouse. It's in a stripmall and has a sign that says "Cross Stitch is Here!"

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't talked to you much: glad the cold is on its return.
our children are going back to school next Monday and Tuesday. the days are getting longer and longer. but I'm not complaining: it's nice to stay in bed longer in the mornings.
hope you're okay now and good luck stitching

5:11 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

I did get a crochet square done yesterday. I didn't post a picture because I didn't get a chance to take one! Glad to hear you're feeling better.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mia, it's good to hear that your cold in on the way to get better :)

The squares are very pretty as always. I'll be following your progress on the stitching, I'm always interested how rotations work for people :)

5:17 AM  

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