My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Here We Go Again...

Before I blog anything, I want the people now in Rita's path to know that I have them, their families, friends, relatives and neighbors in my prayers. I can't believe another major hurricane is about to hit the US again so soon after Katrina. problems are so small and trivial in light of what the people in the Gulf Coast have been experiencing. Judy, stay safe and know I am thinking of you and your family.

Now, to all of you going to CATS...have a great time. I will be there in spirit. My plans changed a short time ago. At first DH and the kids were going with me. They would do their thing, and I would do mine. Earlier this week, DH was asked to work for his company on Saturday. He can't turn it down as this is overtime and we could use the extra $$ because of the work he has been doing on the house the past couple weeks. DS also gets to serve his first Wedding as altar server. He also makes a little bit of money doing that. He was willing to let me get him a substitute as he would rather go to Hershey. Well I am glad I did not do that as he can use a little spending money for himself.

I am very sad not being able to go. I really was so looking forward to meeting Cathy and Jo and other old friends and maybe meeting new ones. I also had a list of things I wanted to check out. While I won't be meeting Cathy and Jo now, we are hopefully going to meet before the next CATS. DH has told me to purchase what was on my list. Since I can't check a few things out first hand, I decided to order some new charts, speciality threads and fabrics. I told DH I will do some research on the things I wanted to see first-hand and he can always get them for me for Christmas or heck even my birthday next year. It is not like they were necessities. They were things I "think" I want or need but want to see if I want or need them first. LOL On the bright side, I am saving lots of money and the few things I want don't even cost the price of the room I cancelled last Friday.

I finished the 2nd square and started the 3rd one on the CAL afghan. I have been enjoying it and I can see how much more experienced I have become since my first starts back in March. These squares are looking awesome compared to the wonky ones I first did (which I thought were awesome back then too LOL).

I am also working more on Rose. At night after dinner, I sit with DH and the kids to watch t.v. and I stitch. More than likely I will post a progress picture some time over the weekend. I am watching my friend's kids tomorrow (last day) and I know I won't be able to get a chance to post a picture of anything. Heck, I will be lucky if I get to read a couple blogs. Those little ones are a handful especially when they don't want to nap.

Today I am playing catch up with my housework that I haven't been able to get to. I also ran my errands earlier this morning right after I got the kids off to school. Now I just have to finish cleaning the bathroom floor and I am calling it a day chore-wise.

Have a great day everyone and those anywhere near the hurricane, stay safe!


Blogger Judy said...

Thanks Mia - fortunately for me and my IMMEDIATE family, we are out of the way in Central Texas, but my mom and grandmother are stuck in that disaster called an evacuation route - just hoping they can get SOMEWHERE before running out of gas.

Scary times - she has to hit somewhere.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

I'm still so sad you won'tbe at CATS but we WILL meet sometime soon. If your ears are burning over the weekend you know that we are talking about you - all nice things of course dear friend!

8:02 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

PS I thought of you as soon as I saw the coffee menu design! I think it would be a pretty quick stitch.

8:26 AM  

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