My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Busy Thursday

Today is shaping up to be a very busy, out of the house, kind of day around here. The only great thing is the weather is still cool. The bad thing is that it is supposed to rain with gusty winds later this morning. Thank goodness, our supermarket has an indoor garage underneath the store. I use it a lot as it seems when I need to do a big shop, the weather is not the most cooperative. LOL

Anyway, after I send this, do my hair and makeup, I need to run to the produce store around the corner for my veggies and some fruit (much cheaper than the grocery store). Then I need to come home, put it away and then head to school to be substitute lunch mother for the 2nd and 5th graders. With any luck, I will see at least one if not both of my children. Chances are better at seeing DD as her lunch is right before the 2nd graders. Then after I do that I will run to the grocery store which is just down the street from the school. Then I get to come home (hopefully before the kids get out) and put everything away. Sigh....I hate that job.

But all in all, it will be a good day and a good day to get these chores out of the way so I don't have to do it this weekend.

Thank you for all your comments on my crochet squares. Those are the three colors that will make up the entire afghan. I am not on my third redo of #8-Chevron Relief Stitch. It just was not getting to the size I want and with this square, you can't add additional rows. So after using the H and I hook, I am now using the J and lo and behold, it is measuring perfect for me. I look at it that I am getting lots of practice with that stitch. When I first did this square back in March or April, it gave me fits and I couldn't wait to be done with it. Now I am liking it and have mastered that front post double crochet stitch. YES!!

I didn't manage any stitching last night because I ended up at my friend's house. Our DDs were playing together and when I went to pick DD up, K was baking cookies. How could I leave without sampling one? So by the time I got home, it was that mad rush of showers for the kids, snack and then bedtime rituals. I then decided to go to bed as it wouldn't be worth it to stitch because then I would have stayed up way too late once I got started.

Tonight things will be slower as Survivor is on and since that is my favorite show, I plan to be in front of the t.v. stitching tonight while watching the survivors tough it out. LOL I am also hoping to get a progress picture of Rose to post tomorrow. Blogger was giving me fits in posting pictures and now I am just going to go through Photobucket til Blogger decides to fix the problem.

Have a great day everyone!


Blogger Judy said...

Yeah, we all seem to be having blogger woes with the pics today. Yuck.

I haven't stitched in a couple of days - maybe I'll bond with you over Survivor tonight and whip out my stitching!

4:05 PM  

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