Project Updates
I was going to post this yesterday but never got around to scanning or taking a picture of my projects. The rotation is actually working out for me. The only problem is I am averaging about an hour on each project and haven't touched my travel project. That is fine by me and I am sticking to this plan because I am seeing some results. I know when I have an evening with nothing to do, I will move right along but for now it is good that I am working on both biggie projects each evening.
Fire Dragon seems to have more progress. I am working on the far right side of the "sky". It is reaching about 4 gridblocks across and I will continue to work down til I get to the half-way point of the chart. I will go across to the face in that manner and then finish up the face and then start the lower half of the chart which is the dragon's lower wings and body.
As far as Coffee goes, I am working on the pink border. Before I put this away in April, I managed the white and the mottled brown. I managed to work one hour Sunday evening and one hour last night on this. Hopefullly tonight I will get more than an hour in on this. I would love to see the coffee bean border of this section finished up before the weekend. Only time will tell if I get to that point.
For today, DS has tutoring this morning and during that time, I will get DD a Library Card for our new library. She had a Philadelphia one but of course it isn't going to be of any use in Delaware County. After that, we plan a trip to Barnes and Noble to get their summer reading books. Then I will come home and tackle some stuff. Originally I was going to head to the pool but we had lots of rain yesterday and more is predicted. It is very humid here but the sun is only peeking out now and again. So I think one more day home and hopefully this weather system will move out of the way.
I also need to get some stuff for a bbq here with family on Sunday. We are celebrating the 4th on the 3rd but with good reason. My DS turns 12 on July 3. I can't believe my little man is turning 12. I still remember giving birth to him. LOL
I better get moving if I am going to have DS with his teacher before 11. Have a great day everyone!
I love your work, Mia! Good pics of your projects!
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