My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, June 24, 2005


What a difference a week makes. This time last week, I couldn't even think straight. It has taken me quite a few days but I have to tell you, I feel so much more like me. Such a weight has been lifted and I am enjoying the lazy days of summer.

Last night after dishes I pulled out the Dragon and Coffee and settled in my chair for much needed and deserved stitching time. I wrote my new rotation into my stitching journal and put the dragon on my lap. It was around 7:30 PM. Well I never put a stitch in til 9:30. Why? you may ask. DS wanted to go to his cousin's house and I had to drop him off. I did and ended up chatting with my stitchy sis in law and her mother in law. I got in after 9 and figured all was not lost and I would stitch on the dragon for the rest of the night. I settled in at 9:30 and started stitching. I had some filling in to do from where I left off and started that. Well after an hour it looked like nothing. I went to bed thinking about it. Really bad when you dream of stitching. Well this morning is a new day and the first thing I did was look at the dragon. I decided to stitch in the grid blocks so that I can "see" some progress and will keep plugging away at it. I was doing grid blocks last year in the dragon and was making great progress. Then I went back to jumping around. If I am going to make this rotation work, I am going to need to see that the dragon is getting finished. So back to the grid blocks for me.

I really want this rotation to work and it seems so logical and practical and doable on paper and in my blog. It is just ME that is the pain in the rear. So after I get my usual household stuff done, I am going to do my hour on the dragon. I will try to take a scan or picture of it to refresh your memories. Then I plan on working on Too Many Tools and then tonight I will hopefully settle in with Coffee. It is that TOTM for me and I am wiped out. But evening plans are always scheduled to change if one of the neighbors call or someone stops by. We shall see. But I know I should be able to get something done on my first two projects today.

We don't have any plans for the weekend and that is just fine by me. I will take the kids to the pool tomorrow and Sunday. I was going to go today but like I said earlier, I am just wiped out and figure we will just hang at home. The kids both have new video games and are quite content to be in the air conditioning playing quietly. I see they are settling down a bit after the school year and that is a good thing. Besides, if I stay home today, I can finish up my odds and ends in cleaning, straightening and laundry and then not worry about it til Monday rolls around again.

Tonight my father in law comes for dinner and DH is bbqing chicken parts. I will do some potatoes and string beans and that is that. I have no plans to leave the house today. It seems like everyday this week I was out and about for one thing or another.

Have a great day everyone!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck for your new rotation, Mia! Your plans sound great and I'm looking forward to seeing progress pics :)

10:03 AM  

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