My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

This, That and Thanks Jo!

I wasn't going to even blog today as it will be pretty much the same old same old I have been blogging about. And let's face it, it would be boring. Then I read Jo's blog and there was my inspiration to have a stitching topic. First off, you have to see her finished Romeo and Juliet by Teresa Wentzler. It is jaw-dropping gorgeous and she did it in record time. Then I scrolled a little more and saw her rotation plan for the rest of the year. It got me to thinking about possibly going to a rotation. I have been thinking about it but it just wasn't happening. I tried on several occasions in the past year and it just failed miserably in the first two weeks, if I made it that long. But part of Jo's plan stuck with me as I read a few more blogs. She is going to focus on a piece for one hour each stitching session. That is where the light bulb went off in this pea-brain of mine. I can actually do that and can see myself doing that. Only my piece would be the dragon for DS. That is my oldest WIP at the moment that I go back to every so often but I have to admit I have not picked it up at all in 2005. That explains why it is still my oldest WIP. The is on 28 ct. black monaco with about 70 colors of yellow, orange and brown. Not my favorite colors but it is eye-popping on black. After that moment, the wheels started turning and I came up with a plan. Here it goes and hopefully it will go into effect today.

One Hour Every Day (at least for the summer): Cross My Heart's "Fire Dragon"

Travel/Pool Project Something small and fun. At the moment, I am doing Sue Hillis' "Too Many Tools". I only have the saw to do and I may finish that up today so I can get something else ready. For at least the summer, I will work on this in the afternoons while at the pool or while waiting for dinner to cook or for those few moments when I have time to stitch but don't feel like putting stitches in a bigger project.

Evening Project This is my other biggie. "Coffee" by Mystic Stitch. I made such great progress on this but have not picked it up since March.

63 Squares CAL I more or less put this away for the summer as the weather got really hot and humid the last two weeks of school and I wasn't doing it while waiting for the kids. But I have been thinking about it and decided that I may do a square here and there while sitting in my air conditioned house. If not, I will pick this back up in September when the kids go back to school.

So there you have it. Again, my thanks to Jo for such an inspiring to me blog entry.

Now for the boring....DS had his physical yesterday and my little man is very healthy. He is 57 3/4". Yikes that is almost 5 feet. He also weighs 97 pounds which is very good for him as he has always been on the thin side. He is starting to bulk up a bit and the dr said that is because puberty (ACK!) is beginning. I have the official physical form which I will make many copies and then hand deliver the original to the school nurse in September. At that point, she will have no excuse to harrass me for never giving one last year (which I did twice).

My laundry is now under control and should be finished today. I was going to go to the pool but decided to stay home and finish my chores. The weekend is supposed to be very hot and today is not so I figure it is better for me to get my stuff done so I can play all weekend. I also plan on cleaning the family room and dusting the living room and dining room and then vacuuming. I worked most of the day yesterday with laundry and other straightening and the house looks presentable. Now to get it sweet smelling. LOL

I also need to run to the fruit/veggie market to get some stuff. Since it is around the corner, it fits right into my day and it gives the kids a chance to get out for a bit since we are not going to the pool.

Well I best be getting along if I want to get chores done and then start my hundredth rotation. LOL Have a great day everyone!!!


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