Thanksgiving Dinner Success
Yesterday everything went absolutely fabulous. This was my first time ever hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and also the first holiday dinner in my new home. I have in the past hosted Christmas Eve, Christmas and Easter but never Thanksgiving. Don't ask why, you don't wanna know!!!! LOL
Anyway, I shopped, chopped, diced, cleaned, shined and cooked all week. It all paid off Thursday. Even DH was impressed. Of course, I did not cook the turkey (my sis in law R) did BUT I did cook the ham and just about everything else. I would have eaten leftovers today, but I am saving them for tomorrow. I can only push so much turkey on my family and they have lived with me and my preparations all week. So I gave them the day off. LOL
So this morning I wake up EXHAUSTED!!!! Happy but exhausted. So what do I do?? I take a shower, have breakfast and make five kinds of cookie dough. DD and I ran out TWICE for things we needed. But tomorrow all I have to do is bake, bake, bake. I think I am crazy. After all the work I went through this week, you would think I would want nothing to do with the kitchen. But I guess the holiday spirit has finally seeped into this body of mine. I played Christmas music all day. I guess I am back. Last year, with the death of my mom, the Christmas lights for the first time in 40 years was dim. My favorite time of year was dull and lifeless for me. I just went through the motions and figured that is how I will be from now on. Well I am so happy to say I was WRONG a year ago and I am happy to bake, decorate and do all the stuff that goes with Christmas. (shopping is up in the air, I hate that chore).
DH started putting up the outside lights and I want it all. Last year, I could have cared less but this year I am back (DH doesn't know if that is good or bad). Anyway, bigger house, new neighborhood and I want the National Lampoon Christmas Vacation lighted house. LOL Remember Chevy Chase and all those lights. I have been doing that for years in my little twin home in Philadelphia. Now I have a single home with trees and big windows and oh it just goes on and on. DH is already shaking his head. But he was outside today with DS hanging whatever lights we have. Well we need MORE!!!! LOL I told him we didn't have enough as our other house was much smaller and there was not a lot of places to stick lights. So now the search is on and that is on the agenda this weekend. But so far, our dogwood is done, holly bush is done and the garland and lights is around the outside of the window (this garland used to hang around our garage in Philly).
So now I am still tired but refreshed and looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow in between cookie baking, I will post a couple recipes from things I made from Thanksgiving along with a couple of my family's favorite cookie recipes. Oh and they don't know it yet, I am sneaking in some new recipes this year. Only me (the master chef) and DD (the sous chef) know about it so far. LOL
I also started Christmas shopping too. I have already bought a few things but I had a chance today to do some online shopping and got some things checked off my gift list.
Have a great evening everyone and a great day tomorrow.
Mia, congratulations on a successful Thanksgiving dinner! I know how that feels! Great job! And kudos on the baking...I think I'm going to have a baking day in the near future as well!
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