My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Busy, Busy, Busy Today

It is 9:30 and this is the first that I have had to sit and be on the computer. I was up an out early this morning as I had this Communion/Confirmation seminar thing to go to at school. Gosh, I wish they would tell us something we didn't know. I did the Communion thing when my son made his First Holy Communion and if I was still at the old school, I would not have had to do it again. The Confirmation seminar was interesting and I found out some things that either I have forgotten or never knew about the Holy Spirit. Let's just say after hearing it, I am glad to have received the Holy Spirit. It is a force to be reckoned with and something I am glad I have inside me. Without realizing it, I use the power of the Holy Spirit in my everyday life. It is very comforting. Also, I did find out that the Pope has made this year (Oct. 2004/2005) the Year of the Eucharist. The speaker didn't say why he did it. But it makes me wonder if it has something to do with all that is happening in the Middle East. I guess in those 3 1/2 hours I was at school, I did learn something after all.

I got home a little before 1:00 and DH had the powder room drywalled and was spackling. He then said let's go to my parents to do more cleaning out house, then dinner, then Lowe's to pick out a toilet and sink. We did this two weeks ago and I walked away still not knowing what I wanted in the way of a toilet and sink. I want something that is WOW but unfortunately my purse says otherwise. LOL But we actually found something new that I really like. DH wants to sleep on it and then he will go order it. I picked out a mocha colored sink and toilet and I like them both and they are neutral enough that you can use any color paint, tile, etc. We had dinner at Appleby's and it was great. It was me and the kids first time eating there and we thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, I had to share my fries with DD who managed to eat every single chicken finger and fry from her plate. Good for her. We also went to my parents' first and managed a lot of trash and stuff. it is just hard going through things and wondering why my mom or dad saved it in the first place. I did find a basket in a closet with my first baby shoes. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I was a very loved daughter. I also realized I have this big pile of stuff I am taking with me. DH doesn't mind and I have weeded through a lot of stuff. I will be happy when I can close this chapter and have all of their precious things with me.

We got in a little while ago and I was torn between stitching and jumping on here. I guess you can see what won. LOL But I figure I have all day tomorrow to stitch and enjoy the day at home. I am happy to say the house is clean and all that I need to do is laundry. I can do laundry and stitch as the machines do the work. I must write about laundry 5 times a week. It never ends. I always say that our hampers are like bunnies and reproduce overnight. There is always dirty clothes to be washed. LOL But I don't mind.

Last night sis in law and I stitched for about 3 hours. Boy the time went fast. I am almost finished the first page of the Coffee design. I think I will have the last three blocks finished in the next few days. There are lots of color changes but it is so worth it. I will post a picture very soon. Like I said yesterday, I hear a certain fire dragon calling for attention.

Until tomorrow, have a great evening everyone!!!


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