Mid-Week Rattling
I can't believe it is Wednesday already. Since Monday I had the ick that is going around now with the weather changing to winter. Monday afternoon/evening I was down for the count. Yesterday I felt better til around 1 PM. Then it was downhill. I couldn't even stay awake to watch the Amazing Race. Well this morning I wake up like nothing ever happened. Go figure. But at least I am feeling better with minimal nose blowing and sneezing and no fever or chills like I had Monday. I am Mom and I can't get sick, especially the week before Thanksgiving when I am hosting dinner here for 16 family members.
Not much going on for which I am happy.
DS is having a good week in school other than one failure on a quiz. But he is being retested so that is a good thing. I am just not going to sweat the small stuff. I know, I know, grades are important but if you had this quiz, you, as an adult, would not have fared much better. I feel this teacher is too tough with her questions. But we just get through it and DS, while he was upset,, knew he had to do better and studied away last night.
DD had a bad day yesterday. Her first since she started school. She has blossomed and made many friends and I find out today from the mom of the daughter that DD had a scuffle with that she likes me, likes M and told her DD to get over it. Which she did. They hugged this morning so all is right in their 7-year old world. Anyway, I told you the end. Here is the beginning. Yesterday M noticed that B was writing on the "wrong" page of her schoolbook. She whispered to B that she was wrong and told her she would help her. Well DD helped by erasing the page. ACK!!! B got upset and told the teacher. M tried explaining she was just helping and not hurting. Teacher said that B was tattling and M was tattling and they both got 3s. 4 is the best and 1 is the worst on their behavior chart. Well when I got DD from school, she started crying. In between sobs, I got the jist of the story. I told her it was okay and I know that she was doing this from the heart and not to hurt B and that I would talk to B's mom about it. You see, DD does not like it if someone doesn't like her. She does not like confrontation (just like me). So this morning as luck would have it, B's mom was at school and we were talking about it. We both felt that M was just trying to help but B misunderstood it to be something else. As we were talking, we saw M and B hugging. Awwwwwww, it was just too cute and a Kodak moment but of course me and H did not have a camera handy. So the girls are best of friends again. Then as me and H were talking, another mom came up and told me that M and her daughter were clapping erasers and S tried to comfort M as M was crying the whole time they were clapping erasers. I just gotta tell you, my heart was bursting. I can't believe how these girls in M's class are. They are caring and loving and believe it or not, they ALL get along. So now all is right in DD's world and my world and hopefully she will have a great day today.
Since I had the ick, I didn't get much stitching done. In fact, I just picked it up today for the first time since the weekend. Hopefully after I catch up on laundry and household stuff, I will get a few moments this afternoon to stitch. I know I plan on stitching tonight after homework and baths and showers are finished. This is the time of the year that I like settling in with my stitching and either a cup of tea or coffee.
DH is still spackling the powder room but he says by the weekend, it should be ready to paint. He also still has to order the sink and toilet but we figured on another 3 weeks before it is finished. He gutted the room and all that is in there is the capped pipes and now drywall on the walls. I can't wait. Hopefully it will be just like I see it in my head.
Well I best be getting my act together this morning. I still need to find a few recipes for next week and I need to get household stuff caught up. I really don't want to have to spend time doing housework this weekend. Especially with Thankgiving looming over my head.
Have a great day everyone!!!!

I hope you feel bettr soon Mia. Winter bugs are certainly no fun.
I miss you Mia! It's not like you not to write for a few days so I hope everything is OK. Hopefully you are not still ill and have just been busy doing fun stuff. Jo
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