It's the Weekend!!
TGIF!!!!! Happy Weekend!!!!
I didn't think it would ever get here. It has been a long week with school and DS and just about everything. Hopefully we will have lots of downtime this weekend. I do have this seminar type thing to attend tomorrow morning so DD can make her First Holy Communion and DS can make his Confirmation, but after that, I don't want to even ride by the school til Monday.
We really have no plans for the weekend but tonight dear sis in law and I are going to stitch again. This is going to be two weekends in a row where we stitched after dinner. We are both excited. I just got off the phone with her and reminded her to bring her stitching. Found out that I don't have to, it is already in her car. We have a lot of fun together and we are more like sisters than in-laws. So tonight after we do dishes, we will settle in to stitch a bit. I am not sure if dear niece will stitch too, but there is plenty of room to add another.
DH and I are feeling much better after the conference and we talked to DS who even seems to be relieved. We shall see what the next couple of weeks brings. I am sure DS will do better. He has been. I am hoping his self-confidence level rises a bit. He already has a report to do over the weekend so I am hoping he has no other assignments.
So that is about all I have to report. I am looking forward to the weekend, I am looking forward to some down time and I am open for whatever comes our way. I just hope it is fun stuff and not stuff to get us down.
Happy Weekend Everyone!!! I hope to have a picture of my Coffee WIP to show by the end of the weekend. I hear a certain fire dragon calling and am anxious to get back to him.

Sounds good! I hope our weekend is more quite than usual. Sinterklaas is arriving, so that's exciting for the children. But it's also very cosy, so I am not complaining.
Have a nice weekend!Anneke (steekjevast)
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