It's the Weekend!!!
Well it is 8:30 on Saturday morning and so far so good. I wanted to write an update last night about DS's week at school but never got around to it. We ended the week on a pretty good note. I have some issues as he brought home his test folder and got a 79 on a Science test. The reason? He drew lines to the answers (Question on the left; answers listed a, b, c on the right). He was not supposed to draw lines; he was supposed to write the letter after the question. He got them all right but they were marked wrong because he didn't follow directions. I am a little hot about it as is DH. But we figure we will move on. We realize we have been thrown into a whole new ballgame here and will just keep at DS with reassurances, etc. to make sure he listens and follows directions. This test was given the day I talked to the teacher (last Thursday). You would think she would have let it slide with a warning as there was no way I was able to talk to DS after that meeting. DH told me to let it go this time and then next time I have his permission to unleash my temper. LOL I have also found out that this teacher is tough. LOL Makes me laugh. I don't know what she has to prove. She is about 20 and the kids adore her, but she is tough on them. Makes you wonder why she moved up from 2nd Grade to 6th Grade. All I have to say is I am glad DD did not get her for 2nd Grade. She would have been a mess. DS has some of my mom in him so he can take it a little better than DD. But anyway, other than some homework, DS is a happy camper and even did the homework already. So he did listen to DH and I when we told him not to procrastinate til the last minute. It is done and in his schoolbag waiting for Monday. So there Ms. D

Last night, I took DD to the birthday party but she never made it to the front door. They have a dog and DD has a HUGE and I mean HUGE fear of dogs. We don't know why. She always did and after talking to her drs. we just have to ride it out. She is much better than she used to be so maybe she is growing out of it just a little bit. But as much as she wanted to go to this party, she would not listen to the reassurances of Allie's Mom, Allie, me or a few of the other moms and kids that were there. So I took her out for hot chocolate and we went home. DH and I told her it was okay and we would try again another time. At least I was able to give Allie her gift.
After hot chocolate, we came home and I settled into stitch. The Coffee design is growing and I will post a picture before I go to CATS. This design will come to CATS with me since I don't want to set up another design at the moment. Then again, I may start something new that I buy. Who knows? But right now I am happy with this project and I highly recommend Mystic Stitch for their designs. This is my first computer generated pattern from art work and I am completely satisfied.
Well I just realized I wrote a novel for what was supposed to be a two line update on DS and DD. LOL I am one wordy chick today.
Today I have laundry and stitching on the agenda. DH and DS are working. Yes you read that right. Well DH is working and DS will catch up with old friends. DH is working in our old neighborhood and DS who has been talking with an old friend, made plans with him this weekend. How great it worked out that DH was working and was able to take DS with him. DS could barely sleep last night he was so excited. I am excited for him. It has not been an easy road and this will make it even better for him. So last night on a Friday night, DS was in bed before 10 PM because he wanted to be up bright and early. And he was. He was up at 5 with DH. DH made him go back to bed. LOL He did but just stared at the clock til 6. LOL He got himself dressed and kissed me good-bye and left. I was up a little after 7 to see them off. He was non-stop chatter. I am so happy for him and I can't wait to hear about his day when he gets home. I hope he has fun.
We have this party tonight so I don't know if DD and I will bake today or tomorrow. I may see if she wants to have a friend come over today and then tomorrow we will bake. I have things I want to do today and pulling out baking stuff may not be an option. I will have to see what happens. But I will think of something fun we can do in the meantime.
I also hope we are home to watch Trading Spaces. We are about to re-do the family room and DH was asking for my input last night. ACK!!!! What input??? I only know what I want to do in the powder room that is next to the family room. So I need to get the creative side of me awake so that we can come up with something cool and practical for the family room. At this moment, I only know where I want the t.v. to be (right where it is) and the furniture (right where it is). It is the other stuff like shelving, storage, a bar area, etc. that has to be figured out. I see sleepless nights ahead or a pile of decorating magazines to wade through. LOL
Have a good Saturday everyone!!!!!
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