My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, October 15, 2004


It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Of course I will be happier once I get the kids from school. This is the first full week since I spoke with DS's teacher and so far so good. We will see if we made it the whole week at 3:10 this afternoon. I am sure everything is okay. DS is such a sweetheart and is really trying so hard at the new school. He gives me no trouble and has really made the effort this week to not forget books, finish assignments, study, etc. But of course, I am a MOM and I worry and I can't wait to get them from school today. I am also worrying because he looked a little sad standing in line this morning. I stay with DD who still wants me around and I glanced over and he was just kind of off by himself in line. I hope all is okay. I can't wait to see what was the matter. So I guess that is why I am in a bit of a worry mode at this moment.

After I dropped kids off, I ran to FIL's house because today was his pacemaker check. My FIL is the sweetest man besides my dear father. He is like a father to me and was always that way even when my dear dad was alive. He is from Italy and barely speaks English and gets panicked when he has to do anything. So I do his telephone check every two months. It takes less than 5 minutes and we are done. I get there around 9 and we sit and talk til the technician calls me. I love being around FIL. I just wish I had more in the Italian language skills to communicate better. We get along great but you would think after 20 years, I would speak more Italian or he would speak more English. LOL But he is the best and I ended up walking out of his house today with home grown tomatoes (last of the season), parsley, peppers and bay leaves. He grows all this stuff. He will be here later for dinner. We are having pizza tonight. That is about the only take-out food he likes. It is a challenge to cook for him sometimes on Friday but I am so happy I learned a lot of my mother in law's recipes while she was alive.

After I left my FIL's house, I figured I would run my errands as the stores were open at that point. I got DD a gift for a birthday party she is going to tonight. I also bought DS a couple more pairs of pants from Old Navy. I bought him a pair last week and he loved them, so I went back and got a couple more pairs. Then I ran to Barnes and Noble since it was on my way home. I actually live behind the shopping center that B&N is in. I lucked out and got the October Issues of the UK Crazy for Cross Stitch and UK Cross Stitcher.

I just love the UK stitching magazines. They are a great read and worth every cent in my opinion. Lately, the USA stitching magazines are lacking and I am serously rethinking my subscription renewals. I just haven't seen anything in them that I want to stitch. And I don't know about you, but to me, they are getting thinner and thinner and costing more and more. I love supporting the cross stitch industry but these magazine publishers better get a clue and listen to readers.

Right now, I should be in DS's closet doing the Fall cleaning. Yesterday I was on a roll with DD's closet and then her dresser. Her closet is just perfect now. I will get to DS's closet in a few.

I also have typing to do for the attorney I work for. I doubt very much he will be here today as we are expecting bad storms but you never know. He wants me to do something ASAP but I just don't have it in me today. I worked yesterday between cleaning DD's closet and dresser but today I don't have the momentum. I guess it is because there are other things I want to do instead. Maybe later today, I will settle in and do the typing he needs. It is not due til next Friday but I like getting it out of the way. I do know it will be finished before Monday.

Tonight DD has another birthday party to attend. My DD is becoming quite popular in her new school and I love it. She is very shy but sooooooo sweet. She has made more friends here than at the old school and she was there for 4 years (Pre-K through 1st Grade). I am happy for her and will gladly take her to Allie's Dance Party tonight. She also has a party next Saturday but DH will take her as I will just be on my way home from CATS.

Our weekend is busy but in a good way. Tomorrow DH has to work in our old neighborhood and DS is going with him to see his old friends. Tomorrow evening we are going to an Open House at our friends' house. They became grandparents for the first time and are having a party for their new granddaughter. I can't believe we have friends who are becoming grandparents already. Sheesh, I practically just had my kids and I have a way to go. But DH and I are actually the youngest of our friends so we will have lots of weddings and showers, etc. for our friends before it will be our turn.

On Sunday I have no plans other than laundry and household stuff and STITCHING!!! DH and DS are going to the Eagles Game so DD and I have a whole afternoon to ourselves. I figure I will do stuff tomorrow during the day and Sunday morning so that we can do something special. Right now I am thinking of doing some baking. She wants to be a "chef" when she grows up and she really enjoys the time we spend baking homemade goodies. Check this spot for a "baking with DD" entry soon. They are always memorable to me.

I just realized I have been blabbing away. I guess I am procrastinating getting my stuff done. But I better get to it and soon.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!
Weekend 2


Blogger Erica said...

I feel the SAME way about my FIL...I wish I spoke better Spanish so I could talk to him in his native tongue. He just thinks my Spanish is hysterical! Glad to see you're doing well!

4:06 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Jo said...

Hi Mia, I always love reading your blog and hearing about your family - you have a wonderful writing style! Your new "coffee" design is great but I didn't realise it was so big!! Keep up the good work and have a great weekend. Hugs, Jo

7:55 AM  
Blogger Mia said...

Thank you Erica and Jo for your comments.
Erica, I am glad I am not alone with the language barrier with inlaws. LOL
Jo, thanks for the compliments on my writing style. I just write from the heart or brain whichever wins. LOL My coffee design will be 10" X 14" when finished. That's a lot of stitches as the entire thing is stitched. :)

8:02 AM  

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