My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Happy Friday and Changes

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to all of you!!!

Well I made it through the week. I really thought on Tuesday that this week was shaping up to be a horrible one as DS was home sick again with this dreaded cold and homework was a bear and just about everything I touched crumbled. Well it is Friday and I am happy to say that things are pretty much in one piece around here.

First off, I am hours away from my first finish of 2006!!! Yes, I am finished all the stitching on my friend's giftie and started doing the beads. The yellow beads I found for the center of the flowers are pastel and I wish they were darker but they will have to do. All the other beads I have in my stash were just too dark or bright as the colors in this design are very pastel and springlike in color. As soon as I completely finish it (which should be tonight or tomorrow morning), I will take a photo and show you and then give it to my friend this weekend. That makes me really happy. Her and her family are still a little stressed by events that happened to them, but things are looking up and I know she will really like this and what it represents for us. :)

Second, DH is going to be redoing our family room. I knew it was coming but I have to be honest and tell you I am just not ready for a big mess in the house. Really I am very excited to finally be putting more of "US" into this house but I really hate the mess it will be for awhile. He brought the t.v. up to the living room the other night and I have spent the better part of the morning packing up toys in big bins for DD so it won't get out of hand in the living room. When DH redoes something, he takes it to bare walls. In this house he has to. We have plaster walls and he hates them. He wants to dry wall and also insulate. We found out last year that this room has absolutely no insulation and it feels it this year as I am keeping the thermastat down. Once this room is empty which should be by early next week, he will start the tearing down and ripping up of the carpet. Hopefully this will only take a couple months once everything gets started. I know it will be gorgeous in the end, but I wished he would have waited til spring or next fall. I know once I start seeing new walls and tile and carpet and woodwork, I will feel better but til then, I am hating the fact that my living room is going to be cramped and messy most of the time. That is probably my problem. You see, the upstairs stays neat and clean and now it won't. LOL I hate cleaning and will constantly be straightening. I will keep you posted. My plan is to take a photo once the room is empty. It won't be totally empty. We have no where to put the computer so it will be placed (desk and computer) in the center of the room with long extension cords taped to the floor. It will be covered when work is being done. It will be awfully lonely down here during the day as I have no t.v., radio and I won't have any comforts other than spackle buckets and tools. LOL Chances are, I will be limiting my computer time. So don't worry if you don't hear from me often. I will pretty much only have the daytime to get on here as he will be working nights in this room. Now that I typed this, I feel pretty excited about the change. Maybe I just needed to get it out of me as DH doesn't understand my stress levels at times. :)

I don't have a crochet square to report finished. Sorry Cathy!! This cluster braid is possessed I tell ya. I should have it finished and be back on track for next week. I am close to getting to the border after having to rip out a couple rows. Don't ask as I have no idea where I went wrong.

I also hope to be back in my rotation mode starting this weekend. I also need to pick out another smallish project to do. If not, I will go back to 12 Days of Christmas for that one day that I do something small.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Blogger Von said...

I feel your pain, Mia! We're planning to redo our basement family room this year and I'm just not sure what we're going to do with all the stuff!! But it'll be fantastic when it's done :) Looking forward to seeing some pics!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Anna van Schurman said...

As a new home owner, I'm obsessed with home improvement projects! Looking forward to the pictures.

Could you e-mail me about the gtg (it will be easier than running around posting comments to everyone's blogs)? We're thinking closer to Strawberry Sampler, to facilitate things. Thanks!

1:01 PM  
Blogger Billie said...

Hi Mia, how lucky you are to have your family room remodeled! I'm looking forward to seeing photos, too.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wow Mia - redoing a room! You will definitely have to post progress pics!

6:52 PM  

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