My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back to Reality

Good Morning All!! After a long, relaxing and fun weekend, today is back to the usual household stuff. We had a great weekend and I really did what I set out to do. I did minimal household stuff and spent lots of time with the kiddos. Of course, I am going to pay for that today and probably the rest of the week, but it is all worth it. We had fun and spent quality time together.

We went out Saturday night to dinner and then DS bought a new skateboard with money he got for Christmas. Then we went to Target and DD spent some of her money on Bratz stuff. We came home and I got to spend about an hour or so stitching on the giftie for my best friend.

Sunday was a totally relaxing day at home and I really made a dent in my stitching. I am happy to say that I only have about another night of stitching and I should be able to bead it and finish it by mid-week. I can't wait to give it to my best friend.

Yesterday we headed off to the mall with the kids. Of course, every other mother of children was at the mall as it was a holiday here (Martin Luther King Day). But we took our time and had fun. DD is now the proud owner of a Build-A-Bear Sassy Kitty named Snowy (she's white). DD's friend is the proud owner of a monkey named Muddy. LOL We had lunch and then went back to K's house for a glass of wine before we had to tackle dinner. We wanted to end our day together just unwinding from the hustle and bustle at the mall. She gave me a beautiful heart ornament locket with the words "True Friends" on the inside. She had been meaning to give it to me for weeks now but her life is very hectic and stressful right now and she never had the time. I can't go into it here, but I decided to start on her gift because of the stress her and her family is experiencing.

For today, I need to get laundry done, house straightened and some errands finished. I also hope to have my first 2006 finish to report. That would be a great thing as it is still January. I could very well have more than 3 finishes this year. :)

Have a great day everyone!


Blogger Anna van Schurman said...

I think I know a way you can have more finishes...

2:24 PM  
Blogger natty68 said...

Oh I love those Build-a-Bears :) Funny though DH wont let me have one - wonder why? Maybe its cos I am an

3:46 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

That's too cool about being almost done! I'm plugging away at my latest project, but with the sickies it hasn't been very productive!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Anna van Schurman said...

I saw your response to my invitation. You can email me at annavsxs at yahoo dot com and we can start to make a plan. I remember there being a couple of other people from around here, but can't find their names/comments, so if you know anyone else let's spread the word.

Of course your daughter can come. Just as long as she doesn't expect to be named young cross stitcher of the year.

11:19 AM  

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