November Wishes
I know I am a day late but at least it is only by a day. I can't believe it is November already. Here we are with the Holiday season fast approaching and I am in no way ready for it. It feels like it should still be early autumn or late summer to me with the way my mind works. I feel like it passed me by. Really it hasn't but now my thoughts need to turn to the Holidays.
In talking to my sister in laws the past few days, I am hosting Thanksgiving here. I did it last year and we had such a good time and it was a great start to what was a great and wonderful holiday season. I want to do it again and so does DH.
In order to do that, I need to do a serious and I mean S E R I O U S housecleaning. My house looks like a pig sty lately. It is clean but very messy if you know what I mean. For the next couple days including the weekend, I plan on picking up, throwing out and organizing. Then starting next week, it will be a room at a time with tearing apart, moving furniture, getting rid of dust bunnies, etc. I can do it as I do it every year but normally I do a later holiday like Christmas. But it is like a fresh start and a great way to welcome winter when I won't feel like doing this stuff. I rationalize it that I get it done now and then we can more or less hibernate all winter. I also need to make room for all the goodies that Santa brings.
That is where I am starting today. I am in the family room and while I should be decluttering, I am writing my blog entry. But once I get this out of the way, I will be throwing away and organizing. I so hope by the end of today that it is all finished so I can move onto the next room. The other rooms are not as bad. That is why I am starting here because this is basically where we all vegetate to.
I also have plans with my stitching. I figured I will have Rose almost complete by the end of the month. I will also have Star Light finished and hopefully another ornament started. Later this afternoon, I plan on picking out another ornament and kitting it up. That way it will be all ready for me once I finish Star Light.
I also plan on ordering a few gifts online today. I already know what I am getting my stitchy sister in law. I can't say just in case she reads my blog. I know she knows I have one, but I don't remember if I ever gave her the linnk. I am sure I did but I am not blowing the surprise. I am just saying that since we didn't get to Hershey, I am getting her the one thing that she really wanted to look for there and I know she didn't get it.
For now these are the things I want to do in the next few days. By the end of next week, I will have my baking planned and maybe even started. I make my cookies ahead and freeze them. The ones I can't freeze wait til the beginning of December. But I will go over the next set of goals later. I do not in any way want to overwhelm myself like I normally do.
I hope you are all having a great day. Once my chores are finished, I plan on rewarding myself by a nice evening of stitching. I hope the kids and their school work cooperate with me. LOL
Funny, I got the itch to get cleaning as well. I made sure I got my kitchen cleaned this morning before I turned on the computer so I would be sure to get it finished. I figure I'll take one room at a time and by this time next week, it will be done. It's not that bad,but there's junk everywhere!
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