My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Monday, November 07, 2005

I "heart" Monday

Yep, you read the title right!! For once I love Monday. Yesterday ended up being one of those days where I felt like I didn't have any time to myself or with my family. DD had a friend over, DS had a friend over, DH worked and I was trying to get some stuff done. Well the stuff didn't get done other than the bill paying, dinner making and then finally around 8 PM last night, stitching time. Don't get me wrong, I love that the kids have friends over and whatnot but I really wanted a quiet type Sunday. The reason being is that I know my week is going to be hectic so I figure one day a week is not too much to ask. In the end, it all was fine and dandy but I have to tell you that I resented it a little bit. Anyway, I am over it now and am so grateful that today is Monday and I can pretty much have a day to myself.

Of course, I have lots to do but I already accomplished quite a bit. I managed to type for the attorney I work for, dinner is in the crock pot, kids are at school, I am showered and clean (LOL) and most of my laundry is sorted. After I send this, I will go dry the hair and bring down a load of clothes to wash. I don't plan on any biggie cleaning til later in the week. DD is doing a great job of sorting her Barbies, Bratz and Polly Pockets. She actually enjoyed her evening doing that. I am going to let her do this to show her the time involved in all those little itty bitty pieces (especially the Polly Pocket). Once they are all sorted, they will go in what was once the Closet of Doom.

I managed a good bit of stitching last night and am now officially at the half way part of the chart on both sides of the stems. I don't have the time right now but in the next couple of days, I will post a picture. I also worked for like 15 minutes on Star Light, Star Bright yesterday afternoon. This is my car project and usually remains in the car. I had it in my hand on Friday and it sat on the dining room table all weekend. Yesterday after I did the bills, I pulled it out and did some stitching on it. I needed a little peace and it helped me immensely. I may just keep bringing it into the house to do a few stitches here and there. I could possibly have it finished by the weekend if I do that. I also want to kit up another ornament from the new JCS ornament issue this week. I want something ready to go if I should finish Star Light.

I guess that is about it from here. I better go and get some laundry and straightening done. I have a Home and School meeting tonight so I know I will run out of time if I don't do something now.

Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mia, I couldn't agree with you more about Mondays!! I have never been one of the lucky ones where the weekend is for rest and relaxtion. No, my rest day is Monday!!! I would much rather on Mondays, "pitter" around the house doing an occasional load of laundry, making dinner and such then to try and relax on the weekends!! Just to much in and out!!!
Kids in school, DH working and it's just the cats and me today!! WooHoo!!!


1:48 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Wahoo for Mondays! I love them, too! But, my Tuesdays and Thursdays aren't bad, either, when the boys are both in school and I get some massive exercise done!

10:19 PM  

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