My Thoughts on Life and Family and Where Every Stitch is a hope, a dream, a smile, a prayer, a good thought.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Start the Eerie Music...

When we last saw our blogger, she was about to enter a place where no woman (or man) has gone before. The doorknob was touched many times but hands quickly released the knob and moved on. The place I talk about is the dreaded Closet of Doom (also known as the toy closet).

Bright and early on a beautiful Friday morning, I did it. I opened up that door. My reflexes told me to shut it and move on but I did not. I opened it wide and took a huge black trash bag and started. There were boxes piles high, broken toys, papers, crayons, toys, plastic tubs that were lovely sorted now unsorted with GI Joe with Barbie and Legos with GI Joes. It took me over 4 hours and many trash bags and boxes later but the closet was empty. The floor is brown tile (I never knew that LOL). The boxes and games and such that were in order were placed back on the shelves. All of DS's Legos and GI Joes were placed back in the closet. DH and I decided and talked with DS and we are going to pack up the GI Joe stuff and place it in the attic. He is 12 and no longer plays with them. The Legos will remain.

As of Friday evening all that remained outside that closet was DD's Barbie, Bratz and Polly Pocket stuff. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. DH, DS and DD were very impressed. I have threatened to lock the door if it ever looks like it did prior to Friday evening. LOL

Yesterday I went through some of DD's stuff that still remains outside the closet. The stuff we organized was placed within her reach. There is still a small pile of stuff that we need to put back but it calls for another trash bag for some of it. DD is a little traumatized when she saw some of her baby doll accessories (no dolls were hurt in the purging of that closet but accessories were LOL) but we explained that she hasn't even looked at that stuff since we first moved. She agreed and is now willing to let DH put it out in the trash like it was intended. If some of it were in better condition, I would donate it but as it is, lots was broken and lots of things were missing important parts and whatnot.

Today I woke up and fully intended to finish up after Mass. Well Mass was a couple hours ago and I decided to take today off from doing any more. DD is actually going through the few boxes that were left and I told her I would leave it to her for now. She is having fun rediscovering stuff she thought she lost. Well I guess it was lost in a sense. So I am leaving her to that. So instead I caught up on some neglected other household stuff like a good clean of the kitchen floor and some laundry. After I finish up the little bit of laundry, I plan on spending the rest of the day stitching. I haven't stitched in a few days so I am withholding a progress picture. It actually looks pretty much like the last one I took. LOL

My week ahead is shaping up to be busy because I have to catch up on household stuff that I didn't do because of the Closet of Doom. So I will tackle my regular stuff the beginning of the week including laundry and then the end of the week, I will take another room or two apart and get them cleaned up good for the winter. The family room was the worst and I figure between laundry tomorrow I will finish this up.

Because today is Sunday I am going to relax and stitch and enjoy football. Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all have our own closets of doom! you're so brave to have entered it! but now the job is done, it's just a closet you can use again. I wish I would be this brave...
have a nice stitching time

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know you survived!!! I have the same problem with my walk-in closet in my entance way!!! I know that there at least 10 umbrella hiding from me in there!! LOL I will tackle it sometime this week!!!
I remember donating my girls Polly Pockets to charity when they reached 11 and 12 years old. I wish I would have kept at least a couple of the little setS!!!! But being teenagers now I know only I would still appreciate all the dolls and such!!

Have a great Monday!!!

8:24 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

That's a huge project, and I'm sure you're releived to have it finished! I, on the other hand, had a man from the water company come over on Friday night, needing to get into my basement, ACK! I asked him to excuse the mess, explaining that it is our toy room. He said, "gee, you'd think you had kids or something!"

7:53 AM  

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